It has been awhile since I reported. I now see Indigo light basically anytime I close my eyes. It varies in intensity and when it's the most intense I am getting information. It isn't in the form of words. The process is, I get it and then it is relayed from my subconscious mind to my conscious one. If I fail to understand I then think about the information and the indigo light intensifies until the information makes more sense to me then diminishes. Sounds crazy but I ain't making this stuff up.
A lot of this information is brand new to me and I verify what I can with web searches. The prime information I have been downloading is why we exist. I have just finished a set of symbols that outline the role of the universe and our part in it. Those of you who are mathematicians are going to be able to work with this. I have done a little and it all makes complete sense. I have an artist friend constructing it for me and hope to have it available soon.
I went to a meeting of psychics last week and found it very interesting. I plan on presenting my crude hand drawn form with the symbols for a reading and see what comes up. I am going to suggest to the one organizing the group (It is a large group) that all the readers need to at least touch my envelope and write a one or two word response.
I felt that all the readers at the meeting were sincere and they all possessed very creative minds. I got more energy from a few others attending the meeting then I did any of the readers but they may have the ability to block people like me so I can assume nothing at this point. My reader picked up on a very significant period of my life with detail and she had some interesting things to say about my past that could explain why I have been among the first to evolve but I have no recall of previous lives. I discount dreams as being a reliable source of anything.
As for New Age people. I learned very quickly I am not a new ager. I am an Indigo and will be putting together a blog about being Indigo and why we are here along with the entire message we are to bring to the world. I say we because i believe others will be getting the message which will be similar but not always identical. I don;t know how a person with no mathematical expertise would interpret the information I have been given. The message has been there since the Universe came into existence. Life forms have to evolve to a certain point to get the message. We have been getting a filtered message for centuries. Most of the filter is our own self indulgence. I will be going into this in detail in my blog on being Indigo.
Instructions on how to see entities which some call dead people. Any events I experience will be recorded for comment and I invite others to share their experiences
Monday, May 23, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
There are no dead people
Here I am contradicting the title of my very own blog. If I am not seeing dead people what am I seeing? I know what I am seeing is energy. Even the Doctor agrees with me there. I am currently undergoing evaluation by an Ophthalmologist in an effort to find a physical cause. I am not doing it because I believe he will find anything. I do it because I am a scientist and I have to remove all variables in order to add credence to my hypothesis. I see energy and that energy appears to come from outside my own body. The energy I see manifests self in the range of color we call Indigo.
It can fill my entire visual spectrum or it may only fill a percentage of it. When it is a percentage of my visual field it presents in a circular pattern with a constant intensity until the perimeters of the image I am seeing. It diffuses rapidly at the perimeters. The intensity varies and any ambient light that comes through my gently closed eyelids can affect the intensity. The intensity can become very bright but I normally have to be near an electromagnetic device for that to occur. Depending on the lighting conditions, my eyes do not have to be closed to see it.
There are rare times I experience high intensity patterns with no electromagnetic device present. The pattern I see come in varied shapes but none display jagged edges and there is no motion in the light source. No crawl, no swirl or color variation.
The light source appears to be independent of my eyes. I can turn away from it and not see it and turn back and locate it. When I experience intense light and I am not near an electromagnetic device I feel a presence. There is no conscious thought. If the light persists I mentally or physically turn it off as it starts to become mentally uncomfortable. I am trying to get past the discomfort and have had some success. I do not feel like I am in the presence of a sentient being.
There is no thought associated with the phenomena though my mind is gaining knowledge I did not have prior to the encounter. I write this information down and I am working on another blog I am going to call "The life of an Indigo." I will continue to post to this blog when any information relates to my vision and I hope to get to the point that tests will be conducted on my vision to further identify the phenomena I am experiencing. The results of all testing I will post here.
Bear in mind the title of this post is "There are no dead people" not "I don't see dead people" My hypothesis is there are no dead people. They are alive in energy form only. That energy may become part of a collective or it may remain individual in nature. Either is possible and it is certainly possible both states occur. Our individual energy certainly exists when we are conjoined with our physical life form. To reincarnate, that individuality must be maintained once the energy we all are exits our physical body.
So am I seeing dead people and if I am not what am I seeing? I know it isn't an ocular migraine. I have experienced ocular migraines and there is no correlation. Is it a tumor, hallucination or a chemical or neurological disturbance in my body? Those who doubt may never know but, to me, I see life energy. There is no death only life. How that fits in with the universe we simply do not know but that should come as no big surprise since we have no idea why the universe exists? We aren't even sure of the process involved when it came into existence.
All the beliefs we follow, and that includes the belief in nothing, are all connected to our individual existence. We lend lip service to universal existence but no matter how it is packaged, it all comes back to us as individuals. That infatuation in self has led to a ton of misinformation and unimaginable human suffering as we continue to fight over differences none of us really have. In energy form we are all the same and it is that energy that is eternal. It is who we are and what we are. We all have unique life experiences that make us individuals but our experiences and knowledge are shared.
We want to know the reasons and I feel that is part of why we exist but all most of our beliefs have done to date is get in the way. If one takes the time to think about it those that we respect and worship the most all sacrificed themselves in order to bring harmony to us all. Their message was to turn away from self and take care of our family. Everyone needs to start listening. How many messengers is it going to take before our species finally gets a clue down to every person currently occupying a physical body? Until that day we are in the hands of a chaotic universe and our own fascination with our individuality.
I find the situation very ironic because all of us are going to live billions of lives unless we attain immortality. It is mathematically possible we will live more lives than there are people alive today. To coin a phrase from a very popular movie about the spiritual world, "Who you gonna hate?"
It can fill my entire visual spectrum or it may only fill a percentage of it. When it is a percentage of my visual field it presents in a circular pattern with a constant intensity until the perimeters of the image I am seeing. It diffuses rapidly at the perimeters. The intensity varies and any ambient light that comes through my gently closed eyelids can affect the intensity. The intensity can become very bright but I normally have to be near an electromagnetic device for that to occur. Depending on the lighting conditions, my eyes do not have to be closed to see it.
There are rare times I experience high intensity patterns with no electromagnetic device present. The pattern I see come in varied shapes but none display jagged edges and there is no motion in the light source. No crawl, no swirl or color variation.
The light source appears to be independent of my eyes. I can turn away from it and not see it and turn back and locate it. When I experience intense light and I am not near an electromagnetic device I feel a presence. There is no conscious thought. If the light persists I mentally or physically turn it off as it starts to become mentally uncomfortable. I am trying to get past the discomfort and have had some success. I do not feel like I am in the presence of a sentient being.
There is no thought associated with the phenomena though my mind is gaining knowledge I did not have prior to the encounter. I write this information down and I am working on another blog I am going to call "The life of an Indigo." I will continue to post to this blog when any information relates to my vision and I hope to get to the point that tests will be conducted on my vision to further identify the phenomena I am experiencing. The results of all testing I will post here.
Bear in mind the title of this post is "There are no dead people" not "I don't see dead people" My hypothesis is there are no dead people. They are alive in energy form only. That energy may become part of a collective or it may remain individual in nature. Either is possible and it is certainly possible both states occur. Our individual energy certainly exists when we are conjoined with our physical life form. To reincarnate, that individuality must be maintained once the energy we all are exits our physical body.
So am I seeing dead people and if I am not what am I seeing? I know it isn't an ocular migraine. I have experienced ocular migraines and there is no correlation. Is it a tumor, hallucination or a chemical or neurological disturbance in my body? Those who doubt may never know but, to me, I see life energy. There is no death only life. How that fits in with the universe we simply do not know but that should come as no big surprise since we have no idea why the universe exists? We aren't even sure of the process involved when it came into existence.
All the beliefs we follow, and that includes the belief in nothing, are all connected to our individual existence. We lend lip service to universal existence but no matter how it is packaged, it all comes back to us as individuals. That infatuation in self has led to a ton of misinformation and unimaginable human suffering as we continue to fight over differences none of us really have. In energy form we are all the same and it is that energy that is eternal. It is who we are and what we are. We all have unique life experiences that make us individuals but our experiences and knowledge are shared.
We want to know the reasons and I feel that is part of why we exist but all most of our beliefs have done to date is get in the way. If one takes the time to think about it those that we respect and worship the most all sacrificed themselves in order to bring harmony to us all. Their message was to turn away from self and take care of our family. Everyone needs to start listening. How many messengers is it going to take before our species finally gets a clue down to every person currently occupying a physical body? Until that day we are in the hands of a chaotic universe and our own fascination with our individuality.
I find the situation very ironic because all of us are going to live billions of lives unless we attain immortality. It is mathematically possible we will live more lives than there are people alive today. To coin a phrase from a very popular movie about the spiritual world, "Who you gonna hate?"
Friday, May 13, 2011
Indigo is more than just a color.
This has been quite a week. Yesterday I had my eye appointment and the Ophthalmologist believes I am experiencing electrical energy phenomena in my visual field. I couldn't agree more but we part ways on the source of this energy I am experiencing. He simply doesn't believe what I am seeing is external to my body. He did not come out and directly say so but I could tell he was not willing to consider anything external as a possibility even after I described how the phenomena I am experiencing is usual spatial in nature. It does not track with my eyes. There is a source I turn away from and turn back to. When the majority of my visual field is impacted that becomes difficult to do but there are events where what I see only involves 15-20% of my visual field. We shall see (no pun intended) as his diagnosis continues. He had me undergo blood tests and I have a follow on appointment on the 6th of June.
The momentous discovery of the week was a result of my research into reincarnation. I was looking for incidents of past life recall among children that are considered to be normal whatever that is and came across information regarding indigo children. Believe it or not this is the first time in my life I had heard about children whose parents believed were possessed of special abilities. I have spent the last three days getting my hands on information and watching many video clips that claim the child featured is an indigo or crystalline child.
I made two discoveries. First some of them are fake. Their parents may truly believe their child is different but many of them are either affected by those seeking to make a profit off the phenomena or they are searching for a reason for the affliction their child is suffering. Some of these children do suffer mental disorders and will require medical treatment but some do not. The challenge is to find a way to separate one from the other. Some of these children have real stories and we need to listen to them not treat them. A small number are very spiritual in nature. I say that as a Deist and, for the moment, I am still one.
The momentous event this week was discovering I am an indigo. The story of these children is the story of my life. There is a connection I instantly make, I have no obvious explanation for. The children that are indigo are members of my family in a way that supersedes my relationship with my own children and I have not met one of these children. I realize that makes no sense but I know it doesn't have to. If you don't have a clue what I am talking about you are not an indigo.
That DOES NOT make us special. All that means is we have evolved first. Someone had to. Hell for all I know I may be among the first as most of these people are a lot younger than I am but that doesn't matter because it isn't about me, it is about our species. Every person on this planet is going to evolve. If they don't in this life they will in one of their next ones. It appears the change is happening very rapidly so no one is going to going to have to wait very long but we need to conduct a lot more research into the phenomena.
There are more and more of these children being born and unfortunately not all of them are making a complete conversion. Such is the nature of adaptation in a species. The ones that emerge with amazing talents quickly get recognized and are handled properly as they expand their talents. The rest are seen as rebellious. They will not conform to their parents religious beliefs or social structure and those who are born to parents with means will seek treatment for their child in order to help him or her conform to the norm. That treatment almost always includes mind altering substances like Ritalin. Here is where I get both sides angry with me. Some of these children need help or their lives will become very difficult. Others, the worst thing you could do to them is give them mind altering drugs. Those of you who are not Indigo simply do not know how to handle these children and there are not enough of us who are, who are trained to do the job. I do not have the skills or training to work with these children but I can connect with them in ways non-indigo people cannot.
We need to work together until the day there are enough indigo's who have attained the skills needed to counsel these children that are evolving to the next stage.
We need research, we need to work together. The change is happening, be it divinely inspired or the natural process of evolution. All I can tell you is the sense of family that comes with the change surpasses religion, politics, ethnicity, nationality and all other pursuits that divide us as a people. Our future is at risk. This is God or natures answer to the majority of problems we have created for ourselves.
I am going to add a new blog explaining my concept of Indigo thought. Keep in mind I started this blog and my main blog Onward to Infinity with no knowledge to speak of regrading New Age and absolutely no knowledge of Indigo children. That fact alone should convince some people this phenomena I and others are undergoing is real. I am forewarning all those of mystical and spiritual mindset, you are not going to like quite a bit of what I am going to be saying. Please take the time to listen and reflect on what I say. We can argue over the details later. I look forward to the debate.
The momentous discovery of the week was a result of my research into reincarnation. I was looking for incidents of past life recall among children that are considered to be normal whatever that is and came across information regarding indigo children. Believe it or not this is the first time in my life I had heard about children whose parents believed were possessed of special abilities. I have spent the last three days getting my hands on information and watching many video clips that claim the child featured is an indigo or crystalline child.
I made two discoveries. First some of them are fake. Their parents may truly believe their child is different but many of them are either affected by those seeking to make a profit off the phenomena or they are searching for a reason for the affliction their child is suffering. Some of these children do suffer mental disorders and will require medical treatment but some do not. The challenge is to find a way to separate one from the other. Some of these children have real stories and we need to listen to them not treat them. A small number are very spiritual in nature. I say that as a Deist and, for the moment, I am still one.
The momentous event this week was discovering I am an indigo. The story of these children is the story of my life. There is a connection I instantly make, I have no obvious explanation for. The children that are indigo are members of my family in a way that supersedes my relationship with my own children and I have not met one of these children. I realize that makes no sense but I know it doesn't have to. If you don't have a clue what I am talking about you are not an indigo.
That DOES NOT make us special. All that means is we have evolved first. Someone had to. Hell for all I know I may be among the first as most of these people are a lot younger than I am but that doesn't matter because it isn't about me, it is about our species. Every person on this planet is going to evolve. If they don't in this life they will in one of their next ones. It appears the change is happening very rapidly so no one is going to going to have to wait very long but we need to conduct a lot more research into the phenomena.
There are more and more of these children being born and unfortunately not all of them are making a complete conversion. Such is the nature of adaptation in a species. The ones that emerge with amazing talents quickly get recognized and are handled properly as they expand their talents. The rest are seen as rebellious. They will not conform to their parents religious beliefs or social structure and those who are born to parents with means will seek treatment for their child in order to help him or her conform to the norm. That treatment almost always includes mind altering substances like Ritalin. Here is where I get both sides angry with me. Some of these children need help or their lives will become very difficult. Others, the worst thing you could do to them is give them mind altering drugs. Those of you who are not Indigo simply do not know how to handle these children and there are not enough of us who are, who are trained to do the job. I do not have the skills or training to work with these children but I can connect with them in ways non-indigo people cannot.
We need to work together until the day there are enough indigo's who have attained the skills needed to counsel these children that are evolving to the next stage.
We need research, we need to work together. The change is happening, be it divinely inspired or the natural process of evolution. All I can tell you is the sense of family that comes with the change surpasses religion, politics, ethnicity, nationality and all other pursuits that divide us as a people. Our future is at risk. This is God or natures answer to the majority of problems we have created for ourselves.
I am going to add a new blog explaining my concept of Indigo thought. Keep in mind I started this blog and my main blog Onward to Infinity with no knowledge to speak of regrading New Age and absolutely no knowledge of Indigo children. That fact alone should convince some people this phenomena I and others are undergoing is real. I am forewarning all those of mystical and spiritual mindset, you are not going to like quite a bit of what I am going to be saying. Please take the time to listen and reflect on what I say. We can argue over the details later. I look forward to the debate.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Look into the monitor please.
I just updated my pages on why I see dead people and how you can see dead people. I have spent the last 6 months mulling over the events that have led up to my sensitization to violet light and I do believe my LCD monitor is a factor along with the surgical procedure I underwent for the repair of Trigemenial Neuralgia. The surgery was done on November 8th and I bought the monitor on November 24th. I was seeing violet light prior to buying the monitor but it was more of a puzzlement than an observation in those first few weeks. Sitting in front of the monitor is the only time I have experienced intense violet light in well lit conditions.
The fact that the entities I believe I am seeing are attracted to electromagnetic devices certainly explains any hanging around my PC.
So any of you that are spending a lot of time sitting in front of an LCD monitor (mines 23 inches wide) and are seeing violet light when your eyes are lightly closed, need to pay closer attention to the phenomena just so I know I am not going crazy.
I doubt brand makes a huge difference but I am certainly open to that concept should anyone offer any money with the suggestion. I do believe there will be a difference between LED and LCD monitors as there is a lot more energy in the red part of the spectrum with LED monitors. If anyone is still sitting in front of a CRT monitor, first I extend my condolences, second I would be interested in how they affect your eyes perspective of color. I am interested if anyone has sensed a change in color perspective sitting in front of any monitor.
In the interest of science my current monitor is a 23' LCD monitor, LG model E2350V-SN. If anyone at LG would like to see this as an endorsement please let me know.
In other news, my first encounter at a haunted house has been canceled until further notice. No one was able to get in touch with the live people that own the property. Damn live people always get in the way of research. I am still hoping for an encounter of the first kind somewhere.
The fact that the entities I believe I am seeing are attracted to electromagnetic devices certainly explains any hanging around my PC.
So any of you that are spending a lot of time sitting in front of an LCD monitor (mines 23 inches wide) and are seeing violet light when your eyes are lightly closed, need to pay closer attention to the phenomena just so I know I am not going crazy.
I doubt brand makes a huge difference but I am certainly open to that concept should anyone offer any money with the suggestion. I do believe there will be a difference between LED and LCD monitors as there is a lot more energy in the red part of the spectrum with LED monitors. If anyone is still sitting in front of a CRT monitor, first I extend my condolences, second I would be interested in how they affect your eyes perspective of color. I am interested if anyone has sensed a change in color perspective sitting in front of any monitor.
In the interest of science my current monitor is a 23' LCD monitor, LG model E2350V-SN. If anyone at LG would like to see this as an endorsement please let me know.
In other news, my first encounter at a haunted house has been canceled until further notice. No one was able to get in touch with the live people that own the property. Damn live people always get in the way of research. I am still hoping for an encounter of the first kind somewhere.
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