The Theory of Everything

Talk about feeling humble addressing this topic.  Who the hell am I to even consider  that I might have  any inkling on how  this universe works and has from that  major event billions of years ago to this day? Still these ideas come into my head from who knows where, my imagination or possibly the seat of all knowledge new agers  love to talk about.  Is it an ongoing manifestation of   the near death experience I had years ago? I don't know but I have  researched the  following as far as I can and, to date, have not found one piece of information that proves I am on the wrong track.  I have found some evidence  I am on the right track. Enough so I want to  put my thoughts out there and see if they bear fruit.

With apologies to  Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, the following is my theory of everything. It starts out simply. Why wouldn't a simplified theory? I am  going to stay with laymen's terms as much as I possibly can because the theory of everything really does need to be understandable by everybody.  Possibly the first question should be, "Why does it matter?" That answer is also simple. Understanding how the universe works open  doors  to every  endeavor humankind is capable of. We may not become God but we will certainly become God like, controlling time, space and energy in any way we want  as long as we stay within the boundaries of physical law. Those boundaries have yet to be defined at the quantum level. The theory of everything will help define them.   

My theory is rooted in  well known concepts. Everything that exists is energy in one form or another. As far as we can tell energy has  always existed, will always exist and the amount remains constant. The  way it presents itself changes.  What existed before energy is beyond our ability to imagine, if indeed  any other state  did exist. That implies a higher order than our universe which is pure speculation with  minimal math supporting it. So we stick with what we know and what we can  observe or compute.

I use this phrase often  because it is often the case, we can't see the forest for the trees. I am convinced that is why no one has  recognized that we  have already discovered the theory of everything. We  have experimented with it and used it since our first observations well before  Christ walked  on the earth if in fact Christ walked upon the earth. No doubt   those early civilizations were awed and/or terrified by what they witnessed but it was the Greeks who conducted the first experiments. Those experiments and the  knowledge gained  continued into most of our lifetimes.  The research into Quantum physics moved us beyond what we had known  for so many centuries and  that's where we lost sight of the forest for the trees.

Most of you reading this know what I am talking about but I don't want to leave anyone in the dark here. I am talking about electricity. Electricity is the key that opens the  door to the theory of everything and anyone who has witnessed  a major  lightning storm can tell you it is one rather obvious key.

We observed it for many centuries before we learned what it was.  Afterwards it took us many  more centuries to  use it as a tool  which has helped us develop  practically everything I am currently surrounded by.  We have become so dependent on it that  modern civilization would no doubt end if an event  destroyed our ability to use it and such an event is  well  within the realm of reason but that is another topic.

Like the universe, electricity is made up of very few components. Energy is represented  by the electrons and  conductors that  form any circuit. Anything can become a conductor  if one has enough electrons and the potential to propel them from a source with too many to a destination with too few.  In electricity we call that potential/force voltage.   Once the electrons have been put in motion we call the result current.  The  energy  in a quiet state  requires  enough potential to   allow motion to  occur. We call  that resistance.  This is an odd way to describe Ohms law  but I have to do it this way to  open the door to the theory of everything.

Lets take Ohm's law which we have known since the early 1800's and make a few substitutions.  First up energy. No substitution required. Now for the rest of the theory. For current  we substitute time. For voltage  we substitute space. For resistance we substitute gravity. That's it, the theory of everything. If it truly is that simple, I and a lot of other people  are going to feel like idiots but, so far, it looks like it is that simple.  I invite rebuttals. In fact I am hoping someone shows me where I am wrong.    

Now let's start applying  this to the universe we live in and some startling things occur.   Take the expansion of the universe which is accelerating as it expands, something that has mystified us since we discovered it.  We blame this on things like dark matter and numerous other theories.  Try this,  what if black holes are  similar to batteries, they store energy but they also store one other thing gravity. Inside of one, time and space are not present. if we think of the periphery of a black hole as a battery terminal, connect any energy to  it and it gets stored.

Now let's look at the circuit, the universe.  Black holes are storing  energy and gravity. What happens to the rest of the circuit? There is less energy  and greater potential as more energy  and gravity gets stored. The result, a universe that expands and accelerates in the process. Could it be that simple?

For you mathematicians out there  this becomes mind boggling. What little I know  follows   some amazing paths.  If we can find ways to store massive amounts of energy, we can warp space and time.  Maybe we don't have to. .Lets start bringing in factors like impedance coupled to  alternating current.  That becomes tricky. We have to alternate time but how much?  The smallest amount of shift in time generates waveform's at the upper end of the spectrum. What is the upper end?  We can already shift time with experiments. What will it take to  break it into oscillation?

Imagine the possibilities. Experimenting with  quantum mechanics has already produced  intriguing results. If we can shift time  why  can't we  make that shift oscillate?  Could a warp drive be that simple?   The frequency of the oscillation could determine the desired distance from the  current location for 360 degrees. The vector could be established  by phase shifting to any point on the circle. How much  energy would be required? We basically  would be moving nothing. We shift time and space instead. Stop the oscillation at the right moment and  the mass   being affected is hopefully in the  desired place.

"Beam me up Scotty!"

Just  a little more about the math which will hopefully  provide a  jumping off point for those who  want to tackle it.  In Ohm's law we know   that  Voltage is the product of  current times resistance.  If there is  any truth to my hypothesis, we will not be dealing a with a product. Instead we will be dealing with division.   Space is  the difference between  time divided by gravity. Inside a black hole or as I  refer to it, the battery,  time and space become a singularity divided by gravity.   What happens to energy  which we believe must remain constant? Does motion stop? 

I have pondered that last question for  the last year and there isn't one inkling of understanding present in my mind.  Unfortunately establishing Planck units with a value of 1 closes the door to any thought beyond. If there is a ray of light, I sure cant see it. They say the human eye can resolve a single photon which may or may not have any mass. Thought is energy. maybe there is a door that cannot be opened. At least not by the human mind.


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry I took so long thanking you. I am going to "expand" on it soon.

    2. Sorry I took so long thanking you. I am going to "expand" on it soon.
