To whom it may concern:
In November of 2010 I started experiencing a phenomena I did not understand. It first appeared as a blue light I could see while driving at night. I could see it in the dark areas on each side of the road at the edge of my headlight range. The images were shaped by the dark areas I was observing.
For example, if there were trees I could see in my headlights, the blue light would be in the dark areas between the trees. This blue light appears as a diffused light, slightly brighter on the perimeters when it doesn’t fill my field of vision and is of constant hue. It contains no motion and no artifacts under driving conditions. I compare it to shining a flashlight in my eyes with a colored filter over the lens.
The light appears to originate in my eyes but I can control the intensity by placing objects in front of my eyes. This concerned me enough to visit the doctor. That visit led to subsequent visits terminating in a visit with a neural ophthalmologist who found nothing wrong with my vision. He did want to perform a MRI but could not due to the fact I have a pacemaker as a result of nerve damage to my heart. The neural ophthalmologist did not accept my conclusion the light was not coming from my visual cortex or my brain stem and he would not authorize the experiments I suggested to prove it.
On the chance I may be experiencing delusions as there are additional phenomena associated with my awareness of blue light, which are only open to conjecture at this point, I sought the counsel of a psychologist. His observation has been, if this is a delusion, it is the strangest one he has encountered and he sees no need of mental or drug therapy and in fact is getting just as fascinated by what I am experiencing as I am.
I have no degrees in science but I do have a good working knowledge of light due to my work in electronics and tracking systems in both aerospace and defense. I am able to conduct simple experiments but lack the funds to conduct more sophisticated ones. I have done a lot of research.
I have written to a few science groups like IONS and the Mack Institute but have not been able to get anyone interested. I do not have the credentials to bring to bear and I can certainly sympathize with those who see all this as a play for attention and, as long as all I had to offer was myself as the object of interest, that was not going to change. It has changed.
My research shows that the phenomena I am experiencing can be analyzed without me being involved and there are and have been many experiments conducted in the area for a variety of reasons. All the equipment that will be needed for the initial phases exists. All that anyone needs to do is start looking in the right place and I believe I know where that place is. If, in fact, what I see is external to myself, anyone can observe it though it will take instrumentation to replicate what my eyes have become capable of doing for what ever reason.
I can also tell you why anyone, who takes the time to conduct this research, may very well make one of the greatest scientific discoveries in the history of mankind.
I have experienced singular phenomenon that lends itself to a lot of conjecture but there is no need to discuss them here. Anything I say here is repeatable and can be controlled. When the light source is directly in front of me it fills my entire field of vision. If it is above me, it illuminates the upper half of my field of vision and forms an arc at the periphery. This is constant. If the source is off to the side or behind me it presents as an orb that varies in size. I have not been able to determine what causes the difference in size. On one occasion the half moon effect was below me but I have not had the opportunity to repeat the scenario.
In all cases the hue is the same. The intensity does vary. There is one more artifact that, to date, has only been present when the source is above and behind me or off to the side. That artifact consists of a fixed herring bone pattern that overlays the color field with bands offset at a 30 to 45 degree angle. The slope is normally right to left but, on occasion, it is left to right. I have no idea why. In addition I have no idea why I do not see the artifact when I am looking directly at the source other than it being a form of diversity reception by the rods in my eyes.
I see the above in low light conditions or darkness. I believe my overall night vision is impacted but I haven’t done any tests. My ability to see the blue light is instantaneous and I can see it at anytime with possibly the exception of the first few minutes after awakening from a nights sleep. I feel no physiological changes when I am observing the blue light.
Here is what I have discovered with my research (all need further experimentation):
1. This is definitely a function of the rods in my retinal field.
2. It involves the pigment Rhodopsin;
3. I have increased sensitivity to the UV spectrum
4. I have increased persistence to the UV spectrum
5. This is a very low level signal but our rods are capable of recognizing a single photon.
The part that puzzled me until I did further research was how I could be experiencing visible light of significant intensity especially in the violet spectrum? The answer is I am not seeing visible light, I am seeing the light effect discovered in the 1800’s by Roentgen and experimented on by others and that effect is the visible component associated with x-ray emitters.
The only research that has been done has been focused on giving those that are blind , the ability to see when the eye in front of the retina is no longer functioning. Once we determined that ionizing radiation was hazardous, research, especially with humans, became difficult and we have made a lot of progress in correcting disease and trauma to the eye. The result is there has been a woeful lack of research regarding the visible light phenomena associated with x-rays and I believe gamma rays.
We simply do not understand the process and, just like Edison either overlooked or was forced to stop work on his etheric force, the things we could have learned have been put on hold.
I attach a few excerpts below from my research corroborating the lack of and the focus of research regarding the phenomena.
I understand the phenomena I am experiencing is well below the thresholds required to stimulate the rods and pigment in the human eye using a man made emitter of x-ray radiation (as far as we know) but we cannot forget the human eye is capable of resolving a single photon and the fact that most people do not have the ability to see the phenomena does not mean it isn’t there.
There is little more I can do in regards to research into this phenomena without a lot of equipment that is available. Here is my hypothesis. Somewhere in the frequency spectrum above visible light there is a carrier signal. That signal has a subcarrier. Encoded on that subcarrier is knowledge. The source of that knowledge has many possibilities. The source is not my concern. I am a communicator and I want everyone to be able to get the signal. The knowledge is for others to figure out.
One of the clues may very well be the color I am experiencing. We need to do further research on the visible light phenomena associated with x-rays. Once we know more we can experiment with what we know and see if we can correlate the frequency of the emitter to the frequency of what I am seeing. That will get us close to the carrier frequency. What I see resides somewhere between 415-430nm.
I hope I have made my case. If not I will keep plugging away. I would love to be part of any research program. Money is not an issue as long as my expenses are met. If not, I encourage someone to invest their time looking into it. Research programs have been started with less evidence than I present here.
While generally considered invisible to the human eye, in special circumstances X-rays can be visible. Brandes, in an experiment a short time after Röntgen's landmark 1895 paper, reported after dark adaptation and placing his eye close to an X-ray tube, seeing a faint "blue-gray" glow which seemed to originate within the eye itself.[23] Upon hearing this, Röntgen reviewed his record books and found he too had seen the effect. When placing an X-ray tube on the opposite side of a wooden door Röntgen had noted the same blue glow, seeming to emanate from the eye itself, but thought his observations to be spurious because he only saw the effect when he used one type of tube. Later he realized that the tube which had created the effect was the only one powerful enough to make the glow plainly visible and the experiment was thereafter readily repeatable. The knowledge that X-rays are actually faintly visible to the dark-adapted naked eye has largely been forgotten today; this is probably due to the desire not to repeat what would now be seen as a recklessly dangerous and potentially harmful experiment with ionizing radiation. It is not known what exact mechanism in the eye produces the visibility: it could be due to conventional detection (excitation of rhodopsin molecules in the retina), direct excitation of retinal nerve cells, or secondary detection via, for instance, X-ray induction of phosphorescence in the eyeball with conventional retinal detection of the secondarily produced visible light.Though X-rays are otherwise invisible it is possible to see the ionization of the air molecules if the intensity of the X-ray beam is high enough. The beamline from the wiggler at the ID11 at ESRF is one example of such high intensity.[24]
Dr. Leo E. Lipetz did extensive research in this area. I link his research.