It has been awhile since I posted as there has not been a lot to report about. I continue to work in television production as I and a group of professionals pursue the new TV network we are creating. Things look very promising as of today.
I have ended up in Jacksonville and it looks like this will be my home for awhile. This a beautiful city, There are problems but it is very modern and the beach front towns are upscale and not too touristy. The industrial parks are some of the most beautiful I have seen anywhere and the city at night along the river is breathtaking. If you want old world charm and rustic living you head down the coast to Saint Augustine and, if you have money, you stay in Pointe Vedra, home of the Players Championship. Near the ocean its always cooler.
I started dating again after I realized my marriage is at an end and we both have to move on. My spiritual energy did not help me come to that decision. That was on me and I finally understood why many of the things that happened in my marriage happened. We both need to move on.
There really isn't a lot to report on the energy side. I still experience the phenomena and I record my intuitive thoughts in my other two blogs. I do get spiritual guidance regarding women I date and I do not question it. It feels like I have a mentor and a friend keeping me out of trouble.
There are two television shows I may soon be producing that are a direct result of a dating site. I recommend on line dating sites. Women need to be careful but it is a great way to meet people. There were a couple of profiles I looked at in which I felt an intense desire to be with that person. In each case it led to a possible TV production. More input from my spirit.
There is this sense of something happening that will be good for us all and I have no idea what it is. Not the election, or some miracle. Just something. My birthday was an amazing day. Curiosity landed on Mars. I became a little involved through people I know because of the work I did in the space program. Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, also was born on my birthday in Australian time. He underwent bypass surgery on the 6th of August and is doing well from what I have heard. I was one of the crew that brought the world the video of Neil walking on the moon. Another member of that crew was born on the 4th of August. Neil's stateside birthday, August 5th, is book ended by two of the Apollo TV crew, me on the 6th and the other on the 4th.
All coincidence probably but now neither Neil nor I have to live with the thought that humankind's greatest accomplishment on the 6th of August, until Curiosity landed after completing a flawless mission, was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
Our new TV network will start soon. I will have more to report then.
I had to update this with Neil's passing on the 25th of August. He was a humble man who never used his accomplishment for personal gain. On Friday night, the 24th of August a 56% moon looked very different to me. The people I was with also noted it when I pointed it out. It was brighter and the terminator was as sharply defined as I have ever seen it with the naked eye. I did not know Neil was close to death from complications due to his bypass surgery when I witnessed it. Others have said they too thought the moon looked different that night. Coincidence again? You be the judge..
The parallel between me and Neil Armstrong continued to the day of his burial at sea. I had no idea Neils mortal remains would be scattered in the ocean outside of Jacksonville Florida. The vessel carrying his ashes departed Mayport less then 4 miles from where I was. Had I known I would have gone to the mouth of the Saint Johns river and witnessed the boat carrying his ashes. There is a ferry that crosses the river which I could have taken had I known. In a way it was a fitting end to the journey we shared together. I never personally met the man though I was within 20 feet of him during the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11. The vast majority of us who were a part of the manned space program never did personally meet the astronauts. I had the honor of working with two of them during Project Mercury while I was at Canton Island but none of us were there for personal glory or fame from those who went into space to all of us who supported them while they were there.
If Neil were standing next to me at this very moment, I think he would agree and hope as I do, that all of humankind will find the commitment and sense of purpose all of us had during mans first steps into the vastness of space. It is a journey that should be shared by every one of us in all aspects of our lives.
Instructions on how to see entities which some call dead people. Any events I experience will be recorded for comment and I invite others to share their experiences
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Moved to Florida
It has been a few months since I last posted. This period has seen more action than revelation. Due to all that has transpired I had to start a new life. My marriage was not bad. It definitely needed work but there was not a problem that couldn't be solved or accepted. It was a very painless separation for me. Unfortunately it wasn't for my wife. She has struggled with it and I am sorry for that. I had no idea she would take it the way she has because there was very little communication between us.
She had very little sense of the changes I was going through and that made it very difficult to talk about. I doubt she has ever read anything I have written that I haven't deliberately placed in front of her. Conversation was limited when I did. I could not live like that anymore.
That wasn't the only reason. if you live in the Northwest, you had better have a busy life because the weather is no doubt some of the most depressing in the world. There are places where the weather is far more violent and extreme but with that comes a challenge to survive and that adds meaning to ones life if there is nothing else doing it. My current lifestyle in Florida basically has me living in what I call my monks cell. I spend hours inside and it is absolutely gorgeous outside. The difference, I have a choice. I choose to work and save money as my resources are very limited. When I can't stand it anymore, I never have to wait more than a day or two and I can walk on the beach, talk to people fishing on the piers, go in the water and recall my youth growing up on the beach. When the weather does get bad it gets violent and one has to be concerned about surviving. I love it.
When I have the income to take advantage of all this part of the world has to offer believe me I will be. I feel like I am home here though I do not fit in with the culture and never will other than activities. I totally fit in there. The people are genuine and kind as long as you stay away from those who would love to go off on someone. In these political times there are a lot of frustrated people everywhere.
I have restarted my career in television, specifically webcasting. There is a huge potential here as the internet and innovations in technology are changing the paradigm for all broadcasting. I want to be a part of that, possibly even a leader in the evolving adaptations the industry is currently undergoing.
I am still experiencing my phenomena and I am still studying and writing the revelations that come with it. Much of that has switched to the technological field of television and I do not add that to any of my blogs. I just finished a section to my main blog, "Please Listen" titled "Can we prove God exists?" I believe it is one of the better things I have written.
On March 21st while driving back from Mobile Alabama to Pensacola Florida where my monk's cell is, I experienced the strongest indigo light I have ever seen. As always it appeared on the sides of the road at night and formed halos around cars whose engines are running. I no longer question these things and there is an aura of peace and harmony about them which I have no explanation for and I feel no desire to try and come up with one. I did ask a few new ager's if there was anything going on.
The problem with new ager's, there is always something going on so there was no insight for me. I am open to input should anyone reading this have any. I am hoping to get out of my monks cell soon and there are events that have a good chance of springing me from the poverty of my current calling. I didn't take a conscious vow of poverty but I may as well have.
There is no way in hell I will ever go back to the Northwest. I don't know where that leaves my marriage. I am not actively pursuing other companionship and I do not believe that is all due to a lack of money though it's a great excuse. I feel like I am healing spiritually and that very well could be what has to happen before I make any commitment to something other than my writing and the work I am doing in television. Time will tell.
Hopefully there will be events soon that lead to contributions to this blog no matter what they may be.
She had very little sense of the changes I was going through and that made it very difficult to talk about. I doubt she has ever read anything I have written that I haven't deliberately placed in front of her. Conversation was limited when I did. I could not live like that anymore.
That wasn't the only reason. if you live in the Northwest, you had better have a busy life because the weather is no doubt some of the most depressing in the world. There are places where the weather is far more violent and extreme but with that comes a challenge to survive and that adds meaning to ones life if there is nothing else doing it. My current lifestyle in Florida basically has me living in what I call my monks cell. I spend hours inside and it is absolutely gorgeous outside. The difference, I have a choice. I choose to work and save money as my resources are very limited. When I can't stand it anymore, I never have to wait more than a day or two and I can walk on the beach, talk to people fishing on the piers, go in the water and recall my youth growing up on the beach. When the weather does get bad it gets violent and one has to be concerned about surviving. I love it.
When I have the income to take advantage of all this part of the world has to offer believe me I will be. I feel like I am home here though I do not fit in with the culture and never will other than activities. I totally fit in there. The people are genuine and kind as long as you stay away from those who would love to go off on someone. In these political times there are a lot of frustrated people everywhere.
I have restarted my career in television, specifically webcasting. There is a huge potential here as the internet and innovations in technology are changing the paradigm for all broadcasting. I want to be a part of that, possibly even a leader in the evolving adaptations the industry is currently undergoing.
I am still experiencing my phenomena and I am still studying and writing the revelations that come with it. Much of that has switched to the technological field of television and I do not add that to any of my blogs. I just finished a section to my main blog, "Please Listen" titled "Can we prove God exists?" I believe it is one of the better things I have written.
On March 21st while driving back from Mobile Alabama to Pensacola Florida where my monk's cell is, I experienced the strongest indigo light I have ever seen. As always it appeared on the sides of the road at night and formed halos around cars whose engines are running. I no longer question these things and there is an aura of peace and harmony about them which I have no explanation for and I feel no desire to try and come up with one. I did ask a few new ager's if there was anything going on.
The problem with new ager's, there is always something going on so there was no insight for me. I am open to input should anyone reading this have any. I am hoping to get out of my monks cell soon and there are events that have a good chance of springing me from the poverty of my current calling. I didn't take a conscious vow of poverty but I may as well have.
There is no way in hell I will ever go back to the Northwest. I don't know where that leaves my marriage. I am not actively pursuing other companionship and I do not believe that is all due to a lack of money though it's a great excuse. I feel like I am healing spiritually and that very well could be what has to happen before I make any commitment to something other than my writing and the work I am doing in television. Time will tell.
Hopefully there will be events soon that lead to contributions to this blog no matter what they may be.
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