There certainly have been no major events happen in my life since my last posting, The trigeminial neuralgia I suffer with grew steadily worse over the winter and I had a gamma knife procedure done last month. The condition has improved and I am hoping for all the pain to go away. That can take up to three months. It gets a little better each day but it is a slow process. I bring this up because it was a procedure to correct the problem that changed my life and led to the blue light phenomena I continue to experience.
There is a correlation between the light and events in my life. As much as I hate to admit it there is some pre-destiny to the lives we live. I do not look for signs of things to come but things happen that are directly related to changes that soon follow. To experience the light phenomena I can enter into a meditative state, something I can do fairly easily as a result of having to deal with pain of the condition I have. Not all the time. I experience it far more vividly when it happens spontaneously. The spontaneous moments correlate directly to major events in my life. I never have any idea what the event will be and , most times, it isn't something I have been worried about like a financial issue. It can be triggered by what I will call pondering.
For example, I have been researching the subject of time and will be adding my findings to my other blog when the time comes (no pun intended). Simple questions like, "How long does the present last?" have very complex answers. If we think of time as a force and the future as being the potential associated with the force, pre-destiny starts to make some sense and I really feel that is what I am sensing. Proving it is a whole different thing. It is a work in progress which I will share as soon as I feel it is ready.
While pondering, I often experience the light phenomena. There are no thoughts associated with this phenomena. I observe what I see. The thoughts come later, usually within 24 hours of experiencing the phenomena. I wish I could conduct more research and I would love to hear from anyone who has experienced anything similar or is interested in researching the phenomena further,
I am putting this to a little test. Right now I am pondering the type of lifestyle I want to live for the time I have left. Nothing is perfect. It certainly has to be practicable and exist under the limits of my budget. Events can happen that will affect my choice. Time will tell.