Tuesday, August 2, 2016


I apologize for neglecting this blog for the last 7 months.  Without identifying which side I am on, (The discerning reader should have no problem figuring that out),  I have been busy politicking.  America is at a crossroads. If you don't take the time to vote in this election, you will have no one to blame but yourself.

I will be updating this soon. I also am going to expand on my concept of the universe. specifically focusing on black holes. I doubt I will cause any ripples  in the ongoing debate between Susskind and Hawkins but cosmology is still an open book as long as you stay within the bounds of the laws of physics whatever the hell they are anymore.

The phenomena I have experienced through the years is still with me if I take the time to notice it or start thinking about things like the structure of the universe. My life is far more settled despite the turmoil  our nation and the world currently faces. I really hope  I am right about reincarnation. I definitely want to be around as this history unfurls and, at soon to be 79, my current run at conscious interaction is nearing an end.  

So I plan on not being a stranger.  The traffic this blog gets amazes me and I do need to  carry on as long as I can.