If what I am experiencing is hallucinatory and delusional I had no idea hallucinations could be so organized and well planned especially when I had no prior thoughts or concepts of what I was going to witness and think. Take my most recent realization. The phenomena I am about to describe took place over a period of 78 days. It wasn't until the last event, which I witnessed today, I realized what I have been seeing.
The phenomena is divided into three distinct events. The first happened on or about the 29th of May at midday. The second happened on the 6th of July at 3:00pm and the third happened on the 14th of August at midday. All times are PDT and the year is 2011. All happened while I was resting. The first and the last happened shortly after waking. I am a late sleeper. The second happened while I was flying between Oklahoma City and Los Angeles. I do not believe I will ever see any of these events again. The realization of what I was seeing did not happen until shortly after the last event earlier today.
As in the vision I had regarding the origin of the universe and our purpose in it, it is geometrical and those with advanced mathematical skills should be able to interpret more information than I can. I have asked those that have the skills to analyze the information I was given regarding the universe which can be found in my blog "Please Listen" under "The Message". To date, I have heard from no one.
I believe what I have seen is the journey mankind is on. The first image is the end of the journey. The second vision is our current location in the journey and the third image is the start of the journey. Each point is a different image with its own unique shape except the shape of the end of the journey is nebulous. I have pondered how to present this and I think the best is to talk about each image independently followed by the geometrical layout of the images in relationship to one another. I do not understand the significance of the shape the three events have taken other than the undefined shape of the end of the journey.
Time wise the first image lasted no more than 5 seconds. The second image lasted for 45 seconds to a minute. The third image was less than 2 seconds. Since the images were presented to me in reverse order I feel I need to discuss them in reverse order. We start at the end of the journey.
Even though the image for the end of the journey is nebulous it does have a few characteristics. It is either a triangle or an arc shaped like a comma on its side with the small end of the comma or triangle pointed to either the right or the left. There is a slope of 5-7 degrees with the lower point to the left. The distance from the low point to the high point is constant regardless of shape. The light particles inside the image were multicolored distinct points of light embedded in very bright light with no motion I could see. There were like grains of sand on a beach.
The image wasn't what struck me it was the sense of belonging and peace that overwhelmed me. If you take every joyous event in your life and magnified it a hundredfold it still could not explain the feelings that overcame me as I witnessed this image. I did not want to let go of the image but it disappeared instantly after the few seconds I was graced with its presence. There is no place I would rather be then there. I felt like a child who had his candy taken away when it disappeared. Of the three images I have seen this one was the furthest away.
I was lying peacefully in bed and was no where dying and I do not feel I was out of body. I have never had the experience. I was observing indigo light but that is routine for me. I instantly knew what it was. I have read near death accounts and I can totally relate to the emotions expressed by those who have had them. I have no explanation for why I saw it in the form I did. My intuition tells me it has something to do with the shapes of the other two images I have seen but I don't have the skills to connect the dots.
The second image happened while flying. I believe it is our current position in our journey and it had a very distinct oval shape with a 30 degree lean to the right. The slope of the image associated with the end of the journey was also left to right with the lower point to the left. Inside the oval was the most intense indigo light I have seen and it was swirling. I had the distinct feeling I was looking into infinity when I focused on the light inside the image. Surrounding the image was a very intense thin blue aura. It was spectacular image which I had no emotional connection to. It was like looking out at a scenic vista and seeing a UFO. This image is the one that tells me this isn't just my journey, it is our species journey. The strange part was infinity was perpendicular to the direction of our journey. I have no idea why. This image lasted the longest and may have been more than a minute. As I witnessed this image I thought it was a portal or gateway and I did not connect it to the first image. The connection became obvious after the last image witnessed today. This image was the closest to me of the three I have seen.
The image I saw today happened at about the same time and under the same circumstances the first image did. I was awake and lying in bed. Like the first image the period before I started seeing indigo light was longer than normal. In both cases I wondered if my experiencing indigo light had come to an end. Normally the phenomena occurs within the first two minutes of a wakeful state. More than 5 minutes had elapsed. I have come to look upon my indigo light as a warm comforter. I have no problems when I see it.
This image was above me and a little behind me. It was in the shape of a parallelogram with the longer side pointing forward and sloped downward at 5-7 degrees. It is the biggest of the images I have seen. Visualize a flag over and slightly behind you laid out horizontally. The surface of the flag looked like bubble wrap. Inside each bubble were the same multicolored lights I saw in the first image except they were not focused. I do not know if they were moving as I did not see this image for very long. My mind or body or both would not have held up had I seen it for any longer. It was simply overwhelming. No pain but a feeling of total annihilation if I had seen it for any longer than I did. I have never been happier to see anything go away as that image. I get uncomfortable writing about it. This sounds crazy but I believe I can now relate to the big bang that kick started our universe. I was looking at total instability or chaos.
There is a geometrical construct to all three images in relationship to one another which I need to explain for those who want to decipher what I have seen. If math isn't your thing you may want to go do something else else instead of reading the following. Since I am the one who witnessed the phenomena I have to outline the relationships so others can study them if they want to.
Let's assume the horizontal center line of our eyes is the base point for drawing a perpendicular in the direction you are looking. The assumption is your eyes are looking as straight ahead as they can. This perpendicular is the zero line (horizontal axis) and extends through your head. From the zero line we construct another perpendicular at the center of your head. This is the vertical axis and your head is clamped in a vise. Your head now becomes non significant (in mathematical computation).
From the zero point project a line along the horizontal axis at a 5-7 degree angle. This will be the furthest point from zero in the upcoming triangle. From the zero point project a line along the vertical axis at 10-15 degrees minus horizontal at a vertical point to be determined by the sight line to image two. Here is where the math will require variables.
From the zero point project a line at 30 degrees along the horizontal axis. Somewhere along this line is image two. The shapes of the three images define where. Image two is the closest to zero. The shapes of images two and three are constant. The shape of image one is variable as defined by either arc or straight line. The horizontal line is a function of time. That is all the information I have.
If you can solve this you will know how far our species is into our journey and how much more time we have until the journey is done depending on the variables that shape the end of the journey.
I did not know what message I was being given until this morning. After the last image I was able to quickly connect all the dots and sat down and wrote this. If you are satisfied this is a delusion than do nothing. If you find that concept as hard to grasp as I do then do the math or find someone who can.
If I get any more information I will update this post.
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