I cannot discount the phenomena I am experiencing could be related to 11:11. We are talking minuscule amounts of energy here so alignments could be relative. Any revelation I have is always preceded by images of violet light. I have no idea when I will see them except under the low light conditions I have outlined.
I was just on Facebook promoting my blog Onward to Infinity when a focused circular blob of violet light appeared on my monitor screen. I turned my head to the side and the object stayed in place on the screen. It lasted for 5-6 seconds, disappeared and returned for another 3-4 seconds.
I changed my search parameters on Facebook and the first page to appear was one on the upcoming event in 2012. Coincidence? Certainly possible.
For those that are concerned about my health I have discussed the phenomena I am seeing with my neurosurgeon and I will be seeing an Ophthalmologist to get things checked out. My neurosurgeon has no explanation why the effect I am seeing appears to be external to my field of vision. Ocular disturbances are normally affected by the movement of your eye unless there is a problem along the optical nerve path. The fact I see the images at the same intensity in both eyes discounts there being a problem on the nerve path as any chance of trauma being equal in both eyes is highly unlikely. If there is a problem it will lie somewhere in my brain stem but my last CAT scan was negative.
(added the next day on 4/15/2011)
The difference in this latest phenomena and the others is it is the first to happen in bright light conditions. This image was emanating from the exact middle of my display screen even though I somehow knew my display screen was not the source. The incident light from the screen did change the hue toward a pinkish color.
On one of my notes i linked to you in my message the number 1111 turns up very specifically.