I have spent the last two days attempting to hook up with a paranormal group locally and have not gotten one response. Nothing. Not even a polite no thank you.
One would think they would display some interest in the phenomena I am experiencing. I challenge any of them to provide any evidence that is open to all that is anywhere near the evidence I have presented regarding what I am experiencing.
I think I am beginning to understand what Harry Houdini was going through. It looks suspiciously like many of these people want to keep their activities deliberately ambiguous.
Maybe what I am seeing is a medical problem. It is a damn clever one if it is but what do they have to lose? I would love to accompany any of them to any known spiritual haunt and see what happens. I don't know anything will happen but why not try? I can't go alone as that leaves me in the boat I am now and I see nothing to gain by taking friends with little or no psychic ability.
I feel like I am dealing with a form of Pascal's wager on spirituality. What have they got to lose by taking me along? If I see nothing that doesn't prove they don't. If on the other hand I experience an increase or closer contact by going it lends creditability to both our observations.
There is another possibility. They want to keep things right where they are. If we start finding different answers some of the mystery goes away and some of their incomes may go away with the answers.
If we have more definitive proof, real science will eventually take a much larger role and their little niche will be forever altered. Those with scientific credentials will adapt and, for all I know, most do have some credentials in the field of psychology as these manifestations, be they real or imagined, still have a profound affect on peoples lives.
I and the King of Siam agree, It is a puzzlement. Maybe someone can shed a little light on the subject as long as it is not in the UV range of 400-430 nanometers. I got that covered.
I gave up waiting for any invitation so I added myself to an upcoming spook encounter. I would love to get an invite from anyone in the Greater Seattle area.