Tuesday, November 8, 2011

With a little help from my friend

Ever since I first starting experiencing the changes in my personality and life experiences after my surgery in November of 2010 I have been looking for  answers to what has happened to me.  I have gone from seeing spirits, to believing I  am an indigo and looking for answers in all things metaphysical. Sometimes we are simply to close  to something to see it.

That's where friends come in. It took a friend reading an article on NDE's (Near Death Experiences) to put two and two together. As he read the article it began to dawn on him that everything in the article he was reading defined the things that were happening to his friend, me.

It appears  I had a NDE while I was under deep sedation for the surgical procedure I had done in November of 2010.  I asked my surgeon if this was possible and he  believed that the level of sedation required to work on a persons brain stem could induce a NDE.  I have no recollection of anything that happened while I was so heavily sedated.  The after effects started showing up  within a few weeks of the surgery with the first being the light phenomena I have been and continue to experience.  The second most obvious was the blog I wrote on reincarnation, a subject I had little or no interest in prior to the surgery.

Many other  events and things have occurred over the last 11 months.  When I filled out the questionnaire on the research site for NDE  I matched up 100% with the effects  that have been noted in other people who have  had a NDE.  I now believe I did  have a NDE  during my surgery.

What is really ironic is I covered NDE in my blog on reincarnation and I never made the connection. The effects were not as many or as strong in the early months as they are now.  I guess one can chalk this up to coincidence  but I am sitting in a motel room in Roswell New Mexico as I post  on my way to a new job in Pensacola Florida due to  a major change in my personality.  I basically walked away from a 30 year marriage that was by no means perfect, but a lot of people would have been perfectly content to be in a similar one. The marriage was not to bad or  not to good but it wasn't just right.  A lot of people would eagerly have settled but I could  not do that anymore.  There have been many other incidents, all of a profound nature that, by themselves, would be unusual  but lumping them together defies  logical explanation.

I now feel that part of the mystery is behind me.  Now I can focus on all the new knowledge I am getting and  how best to present it.  Knowledge unshared is a tree falling in the forest with no one to hear it and I sincerely believe this  set of trees needs to heard and studied by  others. There may be nothing new here. It is new to me. If my  coming up with the concepts I have  is solely a result of intuition on my part and they prove to be false or end up corroborating someone else's work, they were arrived at with little or no study in the  area  I discuss. If nothing else, they will add further evidence to someone else's  theory. As I gather new information I will update this post..

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A further appeal

If my last post was a little too long and anyone wants a more condensed version with less technical information I offer this:

To whom it may concern:

I have been given a gift. Was I given it by accident or by design? I do not know. The gift is new knowledge and an awareness of my spirit via a visual phenomena. I see light  which I believe is the  frequency and method that exists to  interface our spirit to our physical mind and the universe. I have not arrived at that observation easily. I have seen doctors medical and psychological and I am not ill and I am not delusional. Apparently this phenomenon happened due to a procedure I had done to repair damage in my brain stem. I have done all the experiments and tests I can do myself. I welcome anyone who wants to take the research further.

 I am certainly not the first to experience new knowledge. Many believe that new knowledge comes from education but that is only partially true. New knowledge comes more from intuition than education.  Thomas Edison was living proof  if one needs proof. Intuition certainly provides the initiative to pursue education because  there is no need to reinvent the wheel.  Knowledge is only new if there is no record of it existing anywhere else.

 A young man walks into a classroom and hands his teacher something he has been working on which he believes has value. It turns out to be the theory of algorithms and the teacher is amazed when he  realizes this young man has developed algorithms all on his own with no prior knowledge of them. It happens, probably a lot more than many people realize. All any of us can do with new knowledge is  hand it to others. Either it is a false observation or you are not the first to think of it.  Is that grounds to keep it to yourself? New knowledge changes our world and the perception of our world and if it isn't new, you can bet that young man  went on to a very productive career in mathematics. 

The  huge problem new knowledge faces is it often contradicts old knowledge and far too many times  we find excuses not to pay attention to it and we end up suffering ignorance and even  illness and death  because it contradicted what we think we believe.

I believe this new knowledge I have  opens a new approach to the field of psychiatry and the workings of our universe. I can find no record of it anywhere else and no one has stepped forward and told me  it is false information. I will keep trying to hand it to people until one or both happens. If neither happens I will continue even if  it isn't taken seriously in my remaining life time.

Richard Holl

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My efforts to start actual research

I have done most the research I can do.  I need test equipment and a place to work and ideally  people to work with. I have put together a letter I am going to be e-mailing to research departments and anyone who might  take an interest in  the phenomena I am experiencing and  my intuitions that result from it.  The letter is as follows:

To whom it may concern:

In November of 2010 I started experiencing a phenomena I did not understand.  It first appeared as a blue light I could see while driving at night.  I could see it in the dark areas on each side of the road  at the edge of my headlight range.  The  images were shaped by the dark areas I was observing.

For example, if there were trees I could see in my headlights, the blue light  would be in the dark areas between the trees.  This blue light  appears as a diffused light, slightly brighter on the  perimeters when it doesn’t fill my field of vision and is of constant hue. It contains no motion and no artifacts under driving conditions.  I compare it to shining a flashlight in my eyes with a colored filter over the lens.

The light appears to originate in my eyes  but I can control the  intensity by placing objects  in front of my eyes.  This concerned me enough to  visit the doctor. That visit led to subsequent visits terminating in a visit with a neural ophthalmologist who found  nothing wrong with my vision. He did want to perform a MRI but could  not due to the fact I have a pacemaker as a result of nerve damage to my heart.   The neural ophthalmologist did not accept my conclusion the light was not coming from my visual cortex or my brain stem and he would not authorize the experiments I suggested to prove it.

On the chance I may be experiencing delusions as there are additional phenomena associated with  my awareness of blue light, which are only open to conjecture at this point,  I sought the counsel of a psychologist. His observation has been, if this is a delusion, it is the strangest one he has encountered and he sees no need of mental or drug therapy and in fact is  getting just as fascinated by what I am experiencing as I am.

I have no degrees in science but I do have a good working knowledge of light due to my work in electronics and tracking systems in both aerospace and  defense. I am able to conduct simple experiments  but lack the funds to conduct more sophisticated ones. I have done a lot of research.

I have written to  a few science  groups like IONS and the Mack Institute but have not been able to get anyone interested.  I do not have the credentials to  bring to bear and I can certainly sympathize with those who see all this as a play for attention and, as long as all I had to offer was  myself as the object of interest, that was not going to change. It has changed.

My research shows that the phenomena I am experiencing can be analyzed without me being involved and there are and have been many experiments conducted  in the area for a variety of reasons. All the equipment that will be needed for the initial phases exists. All that anyone needs to do is start looking in the right place and I believe I know where that place is. If, in fact, what I see is external to myself, anyone can observe it though it will take instrumentation to replicate what my eyes have become capable of doing for what ever reason.  

I can also tell you why anyone, who takes the time to conduct this research, may very well make one of the greatest scientific discoveries in the history of mankind.

I have experienced singular phenomenon that lends itself to a lot of conjecture but  there is no need to discuss them here.  Anything I say here is repeatable and can be controlled.  When the light source is directly in front of me it fills my entire field of vision. If it is above me, it illuminates the upper half of my field of vision and  forms an arc at the periphery. This is constant.  If the source is off to the side or behind me it presents as an orb that varies in size. I have not been able to determine what causes the difference in size. On one occasion the half moon effect was below me but I have not had the opportunity to repeat the scenario.

In all cases the hue is the same. The intensity does vary. There is one more artifact  that, to date, has only been present when the source is  above and behind me or off to the side. That artifact consists of a fixed herring bone pattern that overlays the  color field with bands  offset at a 30 to 45 degree angle. The slope is normally right to left but, on occasion, it is left to right.  I have no idea why. In addition I have no idea why I do not see the artifact when I am looking directly at the source other than it being a form of diversity reception by the rods in my eyes.

I see the above in low light conditions or darkness. I believe my overall  night vision is impacted but I haven’t done any tests.  My ability to see  the blue  light is  instantaneous and I  can see it at anytime with possibly the exception of the first few minutes after awakening from a nights sleep. I feel no physiological changes when I am observing the blue light.

Here is what I have discovered with my research (all need further experimentation):

1.      This is definitely a function of the rods in my retinal field.

2.      It involves the pigment Rhodopsin; 

3.       I have increased sensitivity to the UV spectrum

4.      I have increased persistence to the UV spectrum

5.      This is a very low level signal but our rods are capable of recognizing a single photon. 

The  part that puzzled me  until I did further  research was how I could be experiencing visible light of significant intensity especially in the  violet spectrum? The answer is I am not seeing visible light, I am seeing the light effect discovered  in the 1800’s by Roentgen and experimented on  by others and that effect is the visible component associated with x-ray emitters. 

The only research that has been done has been focused on giving those that are blind , the ability to see when the eye in front of the retina is no longer functioning.  Once we determined that ionizing radiation was hazardous, research, especially with humans, became difficult and we have made a lot of progress in correcting disease and trauma to the eye. The result is there has been a woeful lack of research regarding the visible light phenomena associated with x-rays and I believe gamma rays.  

We simply do not understand the process and, just like Edison either overlooked or was forced to stop work on his etheric force,  the things we could have learned have been put on hold.

I attach a few excerpts below  from my research corroborating  the lack of and the focus of research regarding the phenomena.

I understand the  phenomena I am experiencing is well below the thresholds   required to  stimulate the rods and pigment in the human eye  using a man made emitter of x-ray radiation (as far as we  know) but we cannot forget the human eye is capable of resolving a single photon and the fact that most people do not have the ability to see the phenomena does not mean it isn’t there.          

There is little more I can do in regards to research into this phenomena without a lot of equipment that is available.  Here is my hypothesis. Somewhere in the frequency spectrum above visible light there is a carrier signal. That signal has a subcarrier. Encoded on that subcarrier is knowledge. The source of that knowledge  has many possibilities. The source is not my concern. I am a communicator and I want everyone to be able to get the signal. The knowledge is for others to figure out.

One of the clues may very well be the color I am experiencing. We need to do further research on the visible light phenomena associated with x-rays. Once we know more we can experiment with what we know and see if we can correlate the frequency of the emitter to the frequency of what I am seeing. That will get us close to the carrier frequency.  What I see resides somewhere between 415-430nm.   

I hope I have made my case. If not I will keep plugging away. I would love to be part of any research program. Money is not an issue as long as  my expenses are met. If not, I encourage someone to invest  their time  looking into it.  Research programs have been started with less evidence than I  present here.     


While generally considered invisible to the human eye, in special circumstances X-rays can be visible. Brandes, in an experiment a short time after Röntgen's landmark 1895 paper, reported after dark adaptation and placing his eye close to an X-ray tube, seeing a faint "blue-gray" glow which seemed to originate within the eye itself.[23] Upon hearing this, Röntgen reviewed his record books and found he too had seen the effect. When placing an X-ray tube on the opposite side of a wooden door Röntgen had noted the same blue glow, seeming to emanate from the eye itself, but thought his observations to be spurious because he only saw the effect when he used one type of tube. Later he realized that the tube which had created the effect was the only one powerful enough to make the glow plainly visible and the experiment was thereafter readily repeatable. The knowledge that X-rays are actually faintly visible to the dark-adapted naked eye has largely been forgotten today; this is probably due to the desire not to repeat what would now be seen as a recklessly dangerous and potentially harmful experiment with ionizing radiation. It is not known what exact mechanism in the eye produces the visibility: it could be due to conventional detection (excitation of rhodopsin molecules in the retina), direct excitation of retinal nerve cells, or secondary detection via, for instance, X-ray induction of phosphorescence in the eyeball with conventional retinal detection of the secondarily produced visible light.
Though X-rays are otherwise invisible it is possible to see the ionization of the air molecules if the intensity of the X-ray beam is high enough. The beamline from the wiggler at the ID11 at ESRF is one example of such high intensity.[24]
Dr. Leo E. Lipetz  did extensive research in this area. I link his research.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Our Journey

If what I am experiencing is hallucinatory and delusional I had no idea hallucinations could be so organized and well planned especially when I had  no prior thoughts or concepts of what I was going to witness and think. Take my most recent realization.  The  phenomena I am about to describe took place over a period of 78 days. It wasn't until the last event, which I witnessed today, I realized what I have been seeing.

The phenomena is divided into three distinct events. The first happened on or about the 29th of May at midday.  The second happened on the 6th of July at 3:00pm and the third happened on the 14th of August at midday. All times are PDT and the year is 2011.   All happened while I was resting.  The first and the last happened shortly after  waking. I am a late sleeper. The second happened  while I was flying between Oklahoma City and Los Angeles. I do not believe I will ever see any of these events again. The realization of what I was seeing did not happen until shortly after  the last event earlier today.     

As in the vision I had regarding the origin of the universe and our purpose in it, it is geometrical and  those with advanced mathematical skills should be able to interpret more information than I can.  I have asked  those that have the skills to analyze  the information I was given regarding the universe which can be found in my blog "Please Listen" under "The Message". To date, I have heard from no one. 

I believe what I have seen is  the journey mankind is on. The first image is the end of the journey. The second vision is our current location in the journey and the third image is the start of the journey.  Each point is a different image with its own unique shape except the shape of the end of the journey is  nebulous. I have pondered how to present this and I think the best is to talk about each image  independently followed by the geometrical layout of the images in relationship to one another. I do not understand the significance of the shape the three events have taken other than the undefined shape of the end of the journey.

Time wise the first image lasted no more than 5 seconds. The second image lasted for 45 seconds to a minute. The third image was less than 2 seconds. Since the images were presented to me in reverse order I feel I need to discuss them in reverse order. We start at the end of the journey.

Even though the image  for the end of the journey is nebulous it does have  a few characteristics.  It is either a triangle or an arc shaped like a comma on its side with the small end of the comma or triangle pointed to either the right or the left. There is a slope of 5-7 degrees with the lower point to the left. The distance from the low point to the high point is constant regardless of shape.  The light particles inside the image were multicolored distinct points of light  embedded in very bright light with no motion I could see. There were like grains of sand on a beach.

The image  wasn't what struck me it was the  sense of belonging and peace that overwhelmed me. If you take every  joyous event in your  life and magnified it a hundredfold it still could not explain the feelings that  overcame me as I witnessed this image. I did not want to let go of the image but it disappeared  instantly after  the few seconds  I was graced with its presence.  There is no place I would rather be then there. I felt like a child who had his candy taken away  when it disappeared. Of the three images I have seen this one was the furthest away.

I was lying peacefully in bed and was  no where dying and I do not feel I was out of body. I have never had the experience. I was observing indigo light but that is routine for me. I instantly knew what it was. I have read  near death accounts and I can totally relate to the emotions expressed by those  who have had them. I have no explanation for why I saw it in the form I did. My  intuition tells me it has something to do with the shapes of  the other two images I have seen but I don't have the skills to connect the dots.

The second image  happened while flying.  I believe it is our current  position in our journey and it had a very distinct oval shape with a 30 degree lean to the right. The slope of the image associated  with the end of the journey was also left to right with the lower point to the left. Inside the oval was the most intense indigo light I have seen and it was swirling. I had the distinct feeling I was looking into infinity when I focused on the  light inside the  image. Surrounding the image was a very intense thin blue aura. It was spectacular image  which I had no emotional connection to. It was like looking out at a scenic vista and seeing a UFO. This image is the one that tells me this isn't just my journey, it is our species journey. The strange part was infinity was perpendicular to the direction of our journey. I have no idea why. This image lasted the longest and may have been more than  a minute. As I witnessed this image I thought it was a portal or gateway and I did not connect it to the first image.  The connection became  obvious after the last image witnessed today. This image was the closest to me of the three I have seen.

The image I saw today happened  at about the same time and under the same circumstances the first image did. I was awake and lying in bed. Like the first image  the period before I started seeing indigo light was longer than normal. In both cases I wondered if my experiencing indigo light had come to an end. Normally the phenomena occurs within the first two minutes of a wakeful state. More than 5 minutes had elapsed. I have come to look upon my indigo light as a warm comforter. I have no problems when I see it.

This image  was above me and a little behind me. It was in the shape of a parallelogram with the longer side pointing forward and sloped downward at 5-7 degrees. It is the biggest of the images I have seen. Visualize a flag over and slightly behind you laid out horizontally.  The surface of the flag looked like bubble wrap. Inside each bubble were the same multicolored lights I saw  in the first image except they were not focused. I do not know if they were moving as I did not see this image for very long. My mind or body or both would not have held up had I seen it for any longer. It was simply overwhelming. No pain but a feeling of total annihilation if I had  seen it for any longer than I did. I have never been happier to see anything go away as that image. I get uncomfortable writing about it. This sounds crazy but  I believe I can now relate to the  big bang that kick started our universe. I was looking at total instability or chaos.  

There is a geometrical construct to all three images in relationship to one another which I need to explain for those who want to decipher what I have seen. If math isn't your thing  you may want to go do something else else instead of reading the following. Since I am the one who witnessed the phenomena I have to outline the relationships so others can study them if they want to.   

Let's assume  the horizontal center line of our eyes is the base  point for drawing a perpendicular  in the direction you are looking. The assumption is your eyes are looking as straight ahead as they can.  This perpendicular is the zero line (horizontal axis) and extends through your head. From the zero line we construct another perpendicular at the center of your head. This is the vertical axis and your head is clamped in a vise.  Your head now becomes non significant (in mathematical computation).

From the zero point project a line along the horizontal axis at a 5-7 degree angle. This will be the furthest point from zero in  the upcoming triangle. From the zero point project a line  along the vertical axis  at 10-15 degrees minus horizontal at a vertical point to be determined by the sight line to image two.  Here is where the math  will require variables.

From the zero point project a line at 30 degrees  along the horizontal axis. Somewhere along this line is image two. The shapes of the three images define where. Image two is the closest to zero. The shapes of images two and three are constant. The shape of image one is variable as defined by either arc or straight line. The horizontal line is a function of time. That is all the information I have.

If you can solve this you will know  how far our species is into our journey and how much more time we have until the journey is done depending on the variables that shape the end of the journey.

I did not know what message I was being given until this morning. After the last image I was able to quickly connect all the dots and  sat down and wrote this. If you are satisfied this is a delusion than do nothing. If you find that concept as hard to grasp as I do then do the math or find someone who can.

If I  get any more information I will update this post.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Regression and introspection

I have  been doing a lot of research and writing, the results of which I post on my blog Please Listen.  Until  some scientific group decides they need to do research into the visual phenomena  I am experiencing, I have gone about as far as I can go in understanding what is happening to me. I am still seeing a psychologist and he believes  I have in fact become sensitized  to light in the violet and  near ultraviolet spectrum.

That is the same conclusion the neural ophthalmologist came to and he attributes it to mild  ischemia in my brain stem from the procedure I had done to repair my trigeminial neuralgia. Both see no reason to pursue  the experiences  I am having as a result of the condition. The ophthalmologist  does not accept what I see is external to my eyes and sees no need to pursue  it further as there is no apparent health problem associated with the phenomena.  If I did not have a pacemaker he would conduct an MRI but  that option is off the table.The psychologist believes my eyes are responding to external stimuli but is concerned that my interpretations border on delusional though I show no other signs of delusional behavior.

I am scaling back my psychological sessions on his advice primarily for the same reasons I have no more scheduled eye exams, there is no danger to my health or the health of others. 
As a result I decided to take a shot at hypnotic regression and suggestion.  I picked one of the best in the field in my area and underwent a two hour session.

One of the things we learned about half way through was the light phenomena I am experiencing requires total darkness or it interferes with the process to the point hypnosis is not possible.  I simply could not reach the state of mind  needed in order to progress.

Once we covered my eyes, we started making progress. I did not know that  you are consciously aware of your hypnotic state  unless unless the hypnotist tells you to forget. I thought I was fully alert until the session ended and I tried to sit up rather abruptly. I have never been as disoriented as I was at that moment at any other time in my life. That includes  coming out of sedation after surgery.   After surgery you fade in and out but your lucid moments are obvious. That is not true  coming out of hypnosis.  Had it not been for the  ending part I would  never have realized I was in a hypnotic state.

I did not uncover anything that  was of any significant value in my ongoing research, but it may have value later. I did discover a facet of my personality that I was not aware of that was placing too many expectations on people in general and I believe I am a better person now because of my session with a hypnotherapist.

Since my medical insurance does not cover hypnotherapy it is something I have to pursue carefully. If I had the discretionary funds I would definitely undergo more sessions. Under the circumstances, it will be awhile before I have another session. I have a lot of research to do and a lot of resources  to look at along with writing down  my thoughts and results. I'll wait until I find myself trapped in a corner if I ever do find myself  trapped in a corner. There certainly is no danger of that currently.

My awareness of indigo light has reached a plateau for now and I have no new information in that regard. I continue to  to have insights on any number of topics which accounts for the research and the writing. Any new events I will  post to the blog.  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Indigo light and meditation

I recently returned from a trip to Oklahoma. Normally when I fly I try and engage strangers in conversation. It helps the trip pass quicker and  I think most of us have interesting lives and we all gain by listening to each others life experiences whether they are being expanded on or not.

On the return flight from Oklahoma, I ended up on a smaller jet with 2 seats on both sides of the aisle and no one to talk to. In addition there are no distractions like a movie and minimal services. My wife was sitting next to me but she was tired.  It was a perfect opportunity to meditate and when I meditate I always experience indigo light.

What came as a total surprise was, the light I normally see with my eyes lightly closed was not coming from either side or above me, it was coming from below me and  in all the months I have  witnessed the phenomena, this was the first and only time I have  seen the light below me. We were at 35000 feet. It stayed that way until we started to descend.

To explain what happened next, I need to explain  how what I see sometimes presents itself. Normally the indigo light I see is disbursed from either  the right, the left  or above me.  At higher altitudes it comes from below me.  In addition, I see geometric images that  typically start from an incident light source  that is at a different light level than the ambient light in my current environment.  The light source does not have to  be overly bright. Everyone experiences this phenomena when they are subject to flash photography. You see a retained image when you close your eyes. I get the same effect from an image with contrast at low light levels. In normal vision, any retained image for most people would persist for less than a second.  How long is a function of brightness.

When the aircraft dropped below 15000 feet (Im pretty good at judging distances in the air. I am a glider pilot)  I was looking out the window  of the seat directly in front of me. The shade was partially pulled and the light coming through the window had a rectangular shape. We were descending into Los Angeles from the east in early afternoon and the air was hazy (At least it is no longer orange). The light coming through the window was not bright. I closed my eyes and  the shape of the window stayed in my vision and did not lose persistence. In fact it got brighter and the rectangle started to slowly tilt forward until it was about 30 degrees from vertical. The white light changed to indigo and it was the most intense indigo light I have seen since this phenomena  started. If I graded what I normally see  on a scale of 1 to 10 this was a 100. Not only was it intense it had dimension. It was like looking down a well of indigo light. Then the aura appeared. It was a thin very bright blue aura that had an intense white border. There were rays emanating from the image in all directions. If this wasn't strange enough I could see the rays but they were not visible. I don't  know how else to describe it. As the plane descended, the image  slowly drifted up and to the right until I could no longer see it.  

By this time we were  below 10000 feet and  and I honestly did not know what it was I had just witnessed. After it had disappeared from my view I opened my eyes, handed my drink cup to the approaching attendant and  I closed my eyes again. The indigo light I normally see was now above me.

I then had to endure the next 2 hours in the most antiquated  major airport left in the world where one rides buses dodging airplanes to get from one terminal to the next. On the next leg of the flight from LA to Seattle., I did  have someone to talk to but I did take the time to observe  the indigo light was still below me at higher altitudes and above me under 10000 feet.

I have done a lot of reflection on the meaning of all that I saw on that flight. What I have concluded is our energy or spirit or whatever you want to call it exists withiin or close to the  human society it is part of.  Our guides or gateway or whatever you want to call them reside above the thickest part of our atmosphere. I can only speculate why but my knowledge of all that is energy, knows  any energy  transfer  that can happen, happens easier in the thinner air of the upper atmosphere. If I am delusional, my delusions  are far more predictable than any delusions I have ever read about.

Monday, June 20, 2011

It's all in the brain stem

I just spent the morning consulting with a Neural Ophthalmologist and I believe the pieces of the puzzle are taking shape. I  did not discuss the spiritual aspect of the phenomena in order to avoid  being misdiagnosed as a mental patient. It turns out I was overly concerned because  trauma to the brain stem  does result in hallucinations depending on where the ischemia lies. For those who don't know what ischemia is, it is the term that defines restricted blood flow which  is basically the only form of trauma that can exist in the brain stem without causing major medical problems. Even then it cannot be a serious restriction.

In November of 2010 I underwent a balloon ablation of the right trigeminial nerve junction which is located in the brain stem. It involves  running a needle  into the brain stem and inflating a small balloon in order to compress the nerve  bundle.  Sounds terrible but it is a fairly common procedure that is done more frequently using a gamma knife.  For whatever reason I chose the balloon ablation and it worked. It cured my trigeminial neuralgia which is one of the most painful afflictions a person can experience. I dealt with it for two years trying medications, meditation and acupuncture.

There was ischemia to the nerves  that controls the eyes. That was made evident by the fact I had to start wearing prismatic lenses shortly after the surgery  when I read or was writing as i would have double vision for up to an hour afterwards when I did. The muscles controlling my eyes weren't weakened but the neural pathway that relates the control of the muscles to the vision the eyes  is processing was traumatized.  They cannot totally corroborate this because they cannot do an MRI on me  since I have a pacemaker due to the fact I damaged my heart nerves in a skiing accident years ago.

In order to understand what is happening to me I have to explain a little bit on how the brain stem functions.  Our senses take two paths through the brain stem. Actually there are more than two but it is easier to explain if we look at them as just two. Our senses have two functions. The first is to communicate to the conscious mind so you can relate to the sounds, sight, touch, taste  and smells around you and make conscious decisions from  any event.  The second is to coordinate  all the  things involved with responding to the information the conscious mind is getting,  It's how you pick up your morning coffee and every other activity your body does, There is no conscious thought involved, They use different nerve paths to keep it all straight, No doubt any neurologist reading this is rolling their eyes but it is the easiest way I can explain it. The Neural Opthamologist knows which path is damaged because  we don't think about controlling our eye muscles when we change our focal distance.

That explains my double vision. My sensitivity to indigo light is not as easily explained. The phenomena I am experiencing  has happened in other people and I would absolutely love to talk to anyone who has experienced it. In cases like mine,  they can only speculate  This becomes another one of those things that science can't explain and I believe never will until they recognize there are energies in our universe they refuse to take a serious look at because of the religious and spiritual nature one has to consider to do so,

In my case it looks like all the damage was done to the visual nerves that work in conjunction with all our senses. The Doctor believes that because of the problem I have controlling my focus and the fact that I do not see hallucinations which is common  in cases where the nerve bundle that ties to the visual cortex  is affected. The human eyes perceive color in low light conditions  due to a complicated process that involves both the rods and the cones but it is automatic. You can not think you will see pink and see it. but you can consciously focus on pink  if it is present. All that changes if you are dreaming or taking drugs or alcohol.

Here is where the Doctors and I part ways.   All the Doctors I have talked to simply refuse to believe  what I see is spatial.  By that I mean I can see it and turn away from it and not see it. They  do not believe I am experiencing this because, in their mind, that is not possible. I have asked them to run experiments to prove it and none has taken the bait so until I can do my own research, or  get someone in research interested,  we are at a stalemate.

They have no explanation  regarding why I see violet light, I believe that the ischemia to my integrated  vision has sensitized my eyes to light in the near ultraviolet and violet range. I have conducted ny own experiments to verify this. One I posted to this blog.  Birds see  blue light which allows them to navigate so a unique color sensitivity is common in certain species.

I further believe that the energy that was once part of a physical human entity has a wavelength in the indigo range and my vision has awakened my spiritual component. Since my visual cortex has not responded   to my spiritual awakening, I get no sense of being  from spiritual awareness. I do not see  ghosts nor do I communicate with spirits though I know others who have been spirituality awakened do.  Because my two visual paths are disconnected from one another and I am only spiritually connected via my subconscious and integration bundle, I do not have to  process the presence or awareness of spiritual  or energy beings in my conscious mind.

Something akin to a miracle has happened as a result of only one  of my nerve pathways  being spiritually activated .The following hypothesis is a result of that  injury.  I believe the reason  our spirits continue on and conjoin with a new physical body is to pass on ability and knowledge from one generation to the next. I call it mental evolution. Everything I am learning I am writing down in the blog I call Please Listen. 

The above realization struck me as I was sitting in the Doctors office waiting for my eyes to dilate. It may be awhile before I make another post to this blog but I am working on some things which I plan to keep this blog up to date on.   The visual chapter is now closed until I can start doing experiments to further understand this phenomena and all that it entails.

Onward and Upward

(originally posted 6/08/2011 had to correct  history of post)

I just had a second visit with the Ophthalmologist and he is sending me to a Neural Ophthalmologist so no medical answers  yet why I am experiencing indigo light/energy in my eyes. I am getting medical science involved whether they want to be or not. it will be at least a month before I can be seen .

In the meantime, I basically see  indigo energy when I have my eyes lightly closed anytime. It can have direction and it can fill most of my visual field but  it appears in circular form at its most intense. I do see other geometric shapes but I believe  they are caused by the angle of the light source to the rods in my eyes.  In all cases, I can turn away from the light source  and the light is gone except when it  appears to come from above my head.

If I start to think too much, I no longer see the light and when it is at it's most intense I basically cannot think at all and have established a behavioral response pattern  in an effort to identify any source for the light.

On occasion I do see indigo light emanate from or around an electromagnetic device but  days  may pass  between observations. All the writing I have done in my new blog, "Please Listen!", I attribute to the information I am getting that is encoded on the energy I am experiencing. If I am crazy then every college student  out there needs to be crazy because I simply know things about subjects I have never studied  in my life.  Genetics is one of those subjects and a lot of the message I am getting is all about genetics  in specific detail.

I am getting a lot of mathematical constructs and I do know math but suddenly realizing there are states to non congruency is something I have never been taught and it is beyond my math abilities to pursue. I hope those with advanced trainings in mathematics and physics take the time to mull over  what I have written in the above blog.

Even if medical science finds a cause for my sensitivity to energy in the indigo range that does not explain the knowledge I am acquiring nor does it explain why I feel compelled to write it all down and  get it out there. I admit  this all could be a product of delusion and I am actively pursuing treatment just in case it all is but that still does not explain the knowledge I have gained.

If anyone can say the knowledge I am getting is false beyond any shadow of doubt please let me know because I have no such reservations.  My goal is to reach those that have advanced training in all the fields I mention and hopefully get them to pay attention to the message. Ideally they will be indigo and they can figure  out the parts specific to their knowledge and bring that knowledge to bear. I do not have the credentials to pursue most of it beyond mentioning it and how I came to be aware of it.

I do plan to administer to my fellow indigos who are still finding themselves but I do not have a license to practice medicine so all I can do is tell them what I am experiencing and, if possible, help them attune to the energy being directed at us specifically. The message is the same for every advanced life form in the universe. The method of delivery may vary. and it may not but we are attuned to our specific energy. We are indigos. We are the messengers.

I do have a question. Who do we have to talk to to get spellcheckers to list indigo as a noun so I can figure out a plural that doesn't get red lined? (right after I asked this my spellchecker stopped red lining the plurals).  That I find spooky. I give up. Now the spellchecker is red lining the plurals.

I am an Indigo

(Originally posted 05/27/2011 had to correct history of post)

This has been quite a week. Yesterday I had my eye appointment and the Ophthalmologist believes I am experiencing  electrical energy phenomena in my visual field. I couldn't  agree more but we part ways on  the source of  this energy I am experiencing. He simply doesn't believe what I am seeing is external to my body. He did not come out and directly say so but I could tell he was not willing  to consider anything external as a possibility even after I described how the phenomena I am experiencing is usual spatial in nature. It does not track with my eyes. There is a source I turn away from and turn back to. When the majority of my visual field is impacted that becomes difficult to do but there are events  where what I see only involves 15-20% of my visual field.  We shall see (no pun intended) as his diagnosis  continues. He had me undergo  blood tests and I have a follow on appointment on the 6th of June.

The big discovery of the week was a result of my research into reincarnation. I was looking for  incidents of past life recall among  children that are considered to be normal whatever that is and came across information regarding indigo children. Believe it or not this is the first time in my life I had heard about children whose parents believed  were possessed of special abilities. I have  spent the last three days  getting my hands on information and watching many video clips that claim the child featured is an indigo or crystalline child.

What I have seen convinces me there is a real phenomena at play here. Some are very spiritual in nature. I say that as a Deist and, for the moment, I am still one.  There is something else I am. I am an indigo. The story of these children is the story of my life. There is also a connection I instantly make I have no obvious explanation for. The children that are indigo are members of my family in a way that supersedes my relationship with my own children and I have not met one of these children. I realize that makes no sense but I know it doesn't have to. If you don't have a clue what I am talking about you are not an indigo.

That DOES NOT make us special. all that means is  we have evolved first. Someone had to. Hell for all I know I may be the first as  most of these people are a lot younger than I am but that doesn't matter because it isn't about me, it is about our species. Every person on this planet is going to evolve. If they don't in this life they will in one of their next ones. It appears the change is happening very rapidly so no one is going to going to have to wait very long but we need to conduct  a lot more research into the phenomena.   

There are more and more of these children being born and unfortunately not all of them are making a complete conversion. Such is the nature of adaptation in a species. The ones that emerge with amazing talents quickly get recognized  and are handled properly as they expand their talents. The rest are seen as rebellious. They will not conform to their parents religious beliefs or social structure and  those who are born to parents with means will seek treatment for their child  in order to help him or her conform to the norm. That treatment almost always includes mind altering substances like Ritalin. Here is where I get both sides  angry with me. Some of these children need help or their lives will become very difficult. Others, the worst thing you could do to them is give them mind altering drugs. Those of you who are not indigo simply do not know how to handle these children and there are not enough of us who are who are trained to do the job. I do not have the skills or training to work with these children but I and my fellow Indigos' can connect with them in ways  non-indigo people cannot.

We need to work together until the day there are enough indigo's who have attained the skills needed to counsel these children that are evolving to the next stage. This evolution  in our species is starting to happen and the transition period  will be difficult, but we can make the process a lot easier by not tagging children as being one or the other and trying to force them to conform when they are genetically programmed to be different. The trick will be separating  those who have  mental conditions from those  that don't but I believe we can do that if all those who find themselves raising a child who is struggling conforming to life keep an open mind.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My encounter with readers and update

It has been awhile since I reported. I now see Indigo light basically anytime I close my eyes. It varies in intensity and  when it's the most intense I am getting information. It isn't in the form of words. The process is, I get it and then it is relayed from my subconscious mind to my conscious one. If I fail to understand I then think about the information and the indigo light intensifies until the information makes more sense to me then diminishes.  Sounds crazy but I ain't making this stuff up.

A lot of this information is brand new to me  and I verify what I can  with web searches. The prime information I have been downloading is why we exist.   I have just finished a set of symbols that outline the  role of the universe and our part in it.  Those of you who are mathematicians are going to be able to work with this. I have done a little and it all makes complete sense. I have an artist friend  constructing it for me and hope to have it available soon.

I went to a meeting of psychics last week and found it very interesting.  I plan on presenting my crude hand drawn form with the symbols for a reading and see what comes up. I am going to suggest to the one organizing the group (It is a large group) that all the readers need to at least touch my envelope and write a one or two word response.  

I felt that all the readers at the meeting were sincere and they all possessed very creative minds. I got more energy from a few others attending the meeting then I did any of the readers but they may have the ability to block people like me so  I can assume nothing at this point. My reader picked up on a very significant period of my life with detail and she had some interesting things to say about my past that could explain why I have been among the first to evolve but I have no recall of previous lives. I discount dreams as being a reliable source of anything.

As for  New Age people. I learned very quickly I am not a new ager. I am an Indigo and will be putting together a blog about being Indigo and why we are here along with the entire message  we are to bring to the world. I say we because i believe  others will be getting the message which will  be similar but not  always identical. I don;t know how a person with no mathematical expertise would interpret the information I have been given. The message has been there since the Universe came into existence. Life forms have to evolve to a certain point to get the message. We have been getting a filtered message  for centuries. Most of the filter is our own self indulgence. I will be going into this in detail in my blog on being Indigo. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

There are no dead people

Here I am contradicting the title of my very own blog. If I am not seeing dead people what am I seeing? I know what I am seeing is energy. Even the Doctor agrees with me there.  I am currently undergoing evaluation by an Ophthalmologist in an effort to find a physical cause. I am not doing it because I believe he will find anything. I do it because I am a scientist and I have to remove all variables in order to add credence to my hypothesis. I see energy and that energy  appears to come from outside my own body. The energy I see manifests self in the range of color we call Indigo.

It can fill my entire visual spectrum or it may only fill a percentage of it. When it is a percentage  of my visual field it presents in a circular pattern with a constant  intensity until the perimeters of the  image I am seeing. It diffuses rapidly at the perimeters. The intensity varies and any ambient light  that comes through my gently closed eyelids can affect the intensity.  The intensity can become very bright but I normally have to be near an electromagnetic device for that to occur. Depending on the lighting conditions, my eyes do not have to be closed to see it.

There are rare times I experience high intensity patterns with no electromagnetic device present. The pattern I see come in varied shapes  but none display jagged edges and there is no motion in the light source. No crawl, no swirl or color variation.

The light source appears to be independent of my eyes. I can turn away from it and not see it and turn back and locate it. When I experience intense light and I am not near an electromagnetic device I feel a presence. There is no conscious thought.  If the light persists I mentally or physically turn it off as it starts to become mentally uncomfortable. I am trying to get past the discomfort and have had some success. I do not feel like I am in the presence of a sentient being.

There is no thought associated with the phenomena though my mind is gaining knowledge I did not have prior to the encounter. I write this information down and I am working on another blog  I am going to call "The life of an Indigo."   I will continue to post to this blog when any information relates to my vision and I hope to get to the point that tests will be conducted on my vision  to further identify the phenomena I am experiencing. The results of all testing I will post here.

Bear in mind  the title of this post is "There are no dead people" not "I don't see dead people"  My hypothesis is there are no dead people. They are alive in energy form only. That energy may  become part of a collective or it may remain individual in nature. Either is possible and it is certainly possible both states occur. Our individual energy certainly exists when we are conjoined with our physical life form. To reincarnate, that individuality must be maintained  once the energy we all are  exits our physical body.

So am I seeing dead people and if I am not what am I seeing? I know it isn't an ocular migraine. I have experienced ocular migraines and there is no correlation. Is it a tumor, hallucination or a chemical or neurological disturbance in my body? Those who doubt may never know but, to me, I see life energy. There is no death only life. How  that fits in with the universe  we simply do not know but that should come as no big surprise since we have no idea why the universe exists?  We aren't even sure  of the process  involved when it came into existence.

All the beliefs we follow, and that includes the belief in nothing, are all connected to our  individual existence. We lend lip service to universal existence but no matter how it is  packaged, it all comes back to us as  individuals. That  infatuation in self  has led to a ton of misinformation and unimaginable human suffering as we continue to fight over differences none of us really have. In energy form we are all the same and it is that energy that is eternal. It is who we are and what we are. We all have unique life experiences that make us individuals but our experiences and knowledge are shared.

We want to know the reasons and I feel  that is part of why we exist but all most of our beliefs  have done to date is get in the way.  If one takes the time to think about it those that we respect and worship the most all sacrificed themselves in order to bring harmony to us all. Their message was to turn away from self and take care of our family. Everyone needs to start listening. How many messengers is it going to take before our species finally gets a clue down to every person currently occupying a physical body?  Until that day we are in the hands of a chaotic universe and our own fascination with our individuality.

I find the situation very ironic because all of us are going to live billions of lives unless we attain immortality. It is mathematically possible we will live more lives than there are people alive today. To coin a phrase from a very popular movie about the spiritual world, "Who you gonna hate?"

Friday, May 13, 2011

Indigo is more than just a color.

This has been quite a week. Yesterday I had my eye appointment and the Ophthalmologist believes I am experiencing  electrical energy phenomena in my visual field. I couldn't  agree more but we part ways on  the source of  this energy I am experiencing. He simply doesn't believe what I am seeing is external to my body. He did not come out and directly say so but I could tell he was not willing  to consider anything external as a possibility even after I described how the phenomena I am experiencing is usual spatial in nature. It does not track with my eyes. There is a source I turn away from and turn back to. When the majority of my visual field is impacted that becomes difficult to do but there are events  where what I see only involves 15-20% of my visual field.  We shall see (no pun intended) as his diagnosis  continues. He had me undergo  blood tests and I have a follow on appointment on the 6th of June.

The momentous discovery of the week was a result of my research into reincarnation. I was looking for  incidents of past life recall among  children that are considered to be normal whatever that is and came across information regarding indigo children. Believe it or not this is the first time in my life I had heard about children whose parents believed  were possessed of special abilities. I have  spent the last three days  getting my hands on information and watching many video clips that claim the child featured is an indigo or crystalline child.

I made two discoveries. First some of them are fake. Their parents may truly believe their child is different but many of them are either affected by those seeking to make a profit off the phenomena or they are searching for a reason for the affliction their child is suffering. Some of these children do suffer mental disorders and will require medical treatment but some do not. The challenge is to find a way to separate one from the other. Some of these children have real stories and we need to listen to them not treat them. A small number are very spiritual in nature. I say that as a Deist and, for the moment, I am still one.

The momentous  event this week was discovering I am an indigo. The story of these children is the story of my life. There is a connection I instantly make, I have no obvious explanation for. The children that are indigo are members of my family in a way that supersedes my relationship with my own children and I have not met one of these children. I realize that makes no sense but I know it doesn't have to. If you don't have a clue what I am talking about you are not an indigo.

That DOES NOT make us special. All that means is  we have evolved first. Someone had to. Hell for all I know I may be among the first as  most of these people are a lot younger than I am but that doesn't matter because it isn't about me, it is about our species. Every person on this planet is going to evolve. If they don't in this life they will in one of their next ones. It appears the change is happening very rapidly so no one is going to going to have to wait very long but we need to conduct  a lot more research into the phenomena.   

There are more and more of these children being born and unfortunately not all of them are making a complete conversion. Such is the nature of adaptation in a species. The ones that emerge with amazing talents quickly get recognized  and are handled properly as they expand their talents. The rest are seen as rebellious. They will not conform to their parents religious beliefs or social structure and  those who are born to parents with means will seek treatment for their child  in order to help him or her conform to the norm. That treatment almost always includes mind altering substances like Ritalin. Here is where I get both sides  angry with me. Some of these children need help or their lives will become very difficult. Others, the worst thing you could do to them is give them mind altering drugs. Those of you who are not Indigo simply do not know how to handle these children and there are not enough of us who are, who are trained to do the job. I do not have the skills or training to work with these children but I can connect with them in ways  non-indigo people cannot.
We need to work together until the day there are enough indigo's who have attained the skills needed to counsel these children that are evolving to the next stage. 

We need research, we need to work together. The change is happening, be it divinely inspired or the natural process of evolution. All I can tell you is the sense of family that comes with the change surpasses religion, politics, ethnicity, nationality and all other pursuits that divide us as a people. Our future is at risk.  This is God or natures answer to the majority of problems we have created for ourselves.

I am going to add a new  blog explaining my concept of Indigo thought. Keep in mind I started this blog and my main blog Onward to Infinity with no knowledge  to speak of regrading New Age and absolutely no knowledge of Indigo children.  That fact alone should convince  some people this phenomena I and others are undergoing is real.  I am forewarning all those of mystical and spiritual mindset,  you are not going to like quite a bit of what I am going to be saying. Please take the time to listen and reflect on what I say. We can argue over the details  later. I look forward to the debate.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Look into the monitor please.

I just updated my pages on why I see dead people and how you can see dead people. I have spent the last 6 months mulling over  the events  that have led up to my sensitization to violet light and I do believe my LCD monitor is a factor along with  the surgical procedure I underwent for the repair of Trigemenial Neuralgia.   The surgery was done on November 8th and I bought the monitor on November 24th.   I was seeing violet light prior to buying the monitor but it was more of a puzzlement  than an observation in those first few weeks.  Sitting in front of the monitor is the only time I have experienced intense violet light in well lit conditions.
The fact that the entities I believe I am seeing are attracted to electromagnetic devices certainly explains any hanging around my PC.

So any of you that are spending a lot of time sitting in front of an LCD monitor (mines 23 inches wide) and are seeing violet light when your eyes are lightly closed, need to pay closer attention to the phenomena just so I know I am not going crazy.   

I doubt brand makes a huge difference but I am certainly open to that concept should anyone offer any money  with the suggestion.  I do believe there will be a difference between LED and LCD monitors as there is a lot more energy in the red part of the spectrum with LED monitors. If anyone is still sitting in front of a CRT monitor, first I extend my condolences, second I would be interested in how they affect  your eyes perspective of color. I am interested if anyone has sensed a change in color perspective sitting in front of any monitor.

In the interest of science my current monitor is a 23' LCD monitor, LG model E2350V-SN.  If anyone at LG would like to see this as an endorsement please  let me know.

In other news, my first encounter at a haunted house has been canceled until further notice. No one was able to get in touch with the live people that own the property. Damn live people always get in the way of research.  I am still hoping for an encounter of the first kind somewhere.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

An encounter at the spa

An interesting thing happened at my health club last night and it started in the shower. As i was taking my shower,  in the traditional male shower room we have all enjoyed since our childhood where we go to extremes to not look at each others male parts, another gentleman I did not know entered the shower room.

I closed my eyes for the obvious reason and I immediately saw a fairly  high intensity violet aura behind him.  Except for the intensity it was typical of other observations I have made. I could see no aura when I opened my eyes as the shower room is very well lit. I observed his movements with my eyes closed and the aura moved with him. It was positioned behind him with the center of the diffused light  located between his shoulder blades.

He finished before I did and was sitting on  the bench between rows of lockers when I exited the shower room. Anytime I closed my eyes I could  detect his movement by observing  the violet aura behind him.  I verified he had moved by opening my eyes. Wherever I saw the aura, he was.

I wanted to ask him if there had been any recent events in his life but he did not or would not make eye contact with me. I respect peoples privacy's when no eye contact  is made. He certainly was preoccupied with something as he was paying very little attention to his surroundings. I found that a little odd as I had never seen him before  last night and I have been going to my club for over 12 years. 

I hope I see him again as I would like to find out what has been happening  in his life. He is the first person other than people riding in automobiles I have seen an entity take an interest in.

Monday, April 25, 2011

A vist to the eye doctor

Part of getting anyone to believe what I am experiencing is actual happening is getting medical people involved.  I am focusing on eye  doctors as this is a visual phenomena. If nothing is found  that explains what I am experiencing I can only  assume  the next step will be brain doctors.  I don't want to think about who comes after the brain doctors though I present no threat to others so I don't believe I will end up in a padded cell.

The optometrist  I recently visited  was mystified. He had never heard of anyone experiencing what I am seeing. He agreed I needed to see an ophthalmologist after I get an a visual field test to see if there are any anomalies there. He suggested that  I be tested with an electromagnetic generator of some sort in a controlled environment and I totally agreed with him. My phenomena will have to wait until May 2nd for my field test. Since I am not bringing in parts of my body in bags no one is in a hurry to find any answers other than me.    

I just finished posting an answer to a comment on one of my blog pages, The Right Tool on my blog Onward to Infinity and I was experiencing  a lot of violet light as I wrote it.  If I am experiencing hallucinations they only happen around electromagnetic devices or in low light level conditions when I am thinking about reincarnation.  Since they are not fixed in field of view they are  a real mystery. The violet light I see  has none of the aberrations  normally associated with visual disturbances. It is a constant source of light that does change in location, shape, size and intensity but it is not swirling, floating or multicolored. The color  is constant though the intensity does change uniformly.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Introducing the cyptochrome

It's always nice when new information lends support to one's experiences and hypothesis. An article in wired science published  on Jan. 27th of this year was brought to my attention.  I knew about cryptochromes   but had lent little or no thought to their being  involved with the phenomena I have been experiencing.   As I look at the visible spectrum, the effect I describe in an earlier post is obvious in the blue light range.  I have no idea why primary violet is energized in my eyes instead of blue but I am doing  a lot more reading to  weed out the correlation.

This is very exciting news at the quantum level as it adds more creditability to our eyes being the path our entities and  other entities use to enter and exit our brain stem.   Birds and other creatures that use blue light to navigate or find nourishment have been studied and experiments show minuscule amounts of energy can interfere  with the ability to process the information in order to navigate using the magnetic flux lines of our planet.  Here is a prime example of light communicating a lot of information to a central nervous system using very low levels of energy.

If I am observing disembodied entities there are instruments and experiments that have already been designed to analyze phenomena that occurs at this level within the reach of the spectrum I am experiencing. There is no reason I can see why what we have could not be adapted to do research on my phenomena.  I have no problem being the guinea pig as I would really like to know beyond any doubt what the hell it is I am seeing.      

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Whats there to be afraid of?

I have spent the last two days attempting to hook up with a paranormal group locally and have not gotten one response. Nothing. Not even a polite no thank you.  

One would think they would display some interest in the phenomena I am experiencing. I challenge any of them to provide any evidence that is open to all that is anywhere near the evidence I have presented regarding what I am experiencing.

I think I am beginning to understand what Harry Houdini was going through. It looks suspiciously like many of these people want to keep their activities deliberately ambiguous.  

Maybe what I am seeing is a medical problem. It is a damn clever one if it is but what do they have to lose? I would love to accompany any of them to any known spiritual haunt and see what happens. I don't know anything will happen but why not try? I can't go alone as that leaves me in the boat I am now and I see nothing to gain by taking friends with little or no psychic ability.

I feel like I am dealing with a form of Pascal's wager on spirituality.  What have they got to lose by taking me along? If I see nothing that doesn't prove they don't. If on the other hand I experience an increase  or closer contact by going it lends creditability to both our observations.

There is another possibility. They want to keep things right where they are. If we start finding different answers some of the mystery goes away and some of their incomes may go away with the answers.

If we have more definitive proof, real science will eventually take a much larger role and  their little niche will be forever altered. Those with scientific credentials will adapt and, for all I know, most do have  some credentials in the field of psychology as these manifestations, be they real or imagined, still have a profound affect on peoples lives.

I and the King of Siam agree, It is a puzzlement.  Maybe someone can shed a little light on the subject as long as it is not in the UV range of 400-430 nanometers. I got that covered.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Entities and Electromagnetic devices

Woke up this morning and observed an entity hanging out in/on my cable converter box. Too bad it has no control over  the programming.  I am starting to wonder if they are always around and only emanate a signal on occasion. I know I can control the signal if I so choose. I can't explain the process, I decide I don't want to see them and I don't. Another possibility is they are emanating a signal in order to communicate. Could be they are signaling to see if a woman with a a child in her womb is nearby.  I do get the distinct feeling that what I am seeing is a signal and I also get the feeling they are not trying to communicate with me.  

When I can see them and choose to see them, the energy I am viewing in visible light form is constant. Normally visible aberrations in our field of view are not fixed unless they are being caused by damaged elements in our eye. They will either swirl, float, pulsate or continually churn similar to a liquid in a slow boil. 

I guess the jury will have to remain out until I have been examined thoroughly by ophthalmology and neurology but everything I read indicates I am certainly seeing something and there has been changes in the visual response of my eyesight.

Since I always see them around electromagnetic devices I am starting to believe they are using our power grid and communications grid to get around.  That may have something to do with why so many spiritual sightings seem to occur in remote areas.  I would sure like to get the opportunity to work with local spook chasers and see what I can observe.  I don't know how much more I have to learn observing their behavior in my current environment. I have no idea what will happen if I get around a hotbed of spiritual occurrences.    

Friday, April 15, 2011

a little experiment

As an experiment I have been looking at a spectral bar of visible primary light. For those who don't know, a lot of the colors we see are mixed colors and, until yesterday, the processes involved with how our brains interpolate them had no bearing on the phenomena I have been experiencing.

I have discovered  my eyes have become sensitized to light from about 400nm to 520nm. Sometimes I get short bursts in my eyes that convert the entire range to around 430nm. I have no instruments to measure this with other than my own perception and the bursts are so fast I cannot determine if they are emanating from the screen or being produced in my visual path.  

I can detect this sensitivity in my eyes by dragging the small zoom icon tagged to my mouse cursor vertically across the spectral bar. Horizontal movement has no effect.  As I drag the cursor up and down over the bar there is a change in hue that has a persistence of about half a second. The new hue appears as a fade in the part of the spectrum I am tracing over and there also is an undertone of violet at 430nm present. The effect is constant over the entire range of 400nm to 520nm.  There is no effect outside of that range.  What excites me about this is it is constant. No matter how many times I do it and under changing light conditions,  I get the same effect.  There is no residual image when I gently close my eyes.

My monitor is a 23" LCD LG Model E2350V-SN and my graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD 2600XT.

Another thing that excites me about this is I now have something I can tell  to my Ophthalmologist and it is something anyone reading this can try. If you get the same effect I am, I believe you will be able to see the same entities I am. If others can experience this I will add it to my page on how to see dead people.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thoughts on 11:11

I cannot discount the phenomena I am experiencing could be related to 11:11. We are talking minuscule amounts of energy here so alignments could be relative.  Any revelation I have is always preceded by images of  violet light. I have no idea when I will see them except under the  low light conditions I have outlined.  

I was just on Facebook promoting my blog Onward to Infinity when a focused circular blob of violet light appeared on my monitor screen. I turned my head to the side and the object stayed in place on the screen. It lasted for 5-6 seconds, disappeared and returned for another 3-4 seconds.

I changed my search parameters on Facebook and the first page  to appear was  one on the upcoming event in 2012. Coincidence?  Certainly possible.

For those that are concerned about my health I have discussed the phenomena I am seeing with my neurosurgeon and I will be seeing an Ophthalmologist to get things checked out. My neurosurgeon has no explanation why the effect I am seeing appears to be external to my field of vision. Ocular disturbances are normally affected by the movement of your eye unless there is a problem along the optical nerve path. The fact I see the  images at the same intensity in both eyes discounts there being a problem on the nerve path as any chance of trauma being equal in both eyes is highly unlikely. If there is a problem it will lie somewhere in my brain stem but my last CAT scan was negative. 

(added the next day on 4/15/2011)

The  difference  in this latest phenomena and the others is it is the first to happen in bright light conditions. This  image was  emanating from the exact middle of my display screen even though I somehow knew my display screen was not the source. The incident light from the screen did change the hue toward a pinkish color.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Added new information to my main blog

I just added a new section to my chapter on the entity. It discusses how our entity communicates with our subconscious mind and other things in the last four paragraphs of the chapter.

Now that daylight extends into my daily routine I can no longer observe entities while I am driving unless I take a special trip or find myself out at night. At my age I don't find myself out at night that often.  One thing I need to do is start looking at power, cable and phone lines as I am riding around in low light conditions. That's not a good idea if I am driving and my wife thinks I'm crazy so I can't talk her into a field trip.  I'm hoping someone else is able to observe the same phenomena I am so there will be more people conducting research.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Innies and outties

I have spent the past few days  trying to determine whether  the visual apparitions that I see are internal to my body or external to my body. Both are true. As i started writing this I flashed ultraviolet light across my visual field  and I can tell it is coming from myself. It can happen when I am writing and/or thinking about the phenomena.

At this moment, I believe it is coming from own entity though I do not want to sound schizoid by saying that.  For the reasons I have disclosed above, my vision has become sensitized to the presence of my own entity and other entities  that are currently free of a physical body. I can now differentiate between the two. If anyone else is experiencing similar phenomena, I am studying this and will put my conclusions  here and in my blog on reincarnation in the not to distant future.

all the visual phenomena I have experienced in the last few days is coming from my own entity. There are two primary reasons for this. There are currently no entities at my house and the longer daylight hours mean I am not driving in the right light conditions to see them along roadways which is their favorite place to hang out.  I would love to locate a haunted house I could visit and see what happens.  

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Getting Started

Had a few sightings today. My plan is to report to the blog anytime I get a comment or have new information to share. Finished  my two pages today which should answer  most questions going in. I will start tweeting and putting this on Facebook and see what happens.