Saturday, December 26, 2015

It could be worse

Almost a year has passed since my last post.  Unfortunately my trigeminial neuralgia is back. It started acting up in October.  So far, the pain has not been severe and I deal with it. Just about the time I decide I have had just about enough it gets better and I decide to not seek further treatment. I have a neurosurgeon and I will have the surgical procedure done if it does reach a point where I no longer want to deal with it.  Brain surgery is scary and my condition is not life threatening but quality of life is also important.

I'm living in Charleston South Carolina along with way too many other people. The low country is beautiful, highly picturesque and there is  a ton of history here along with the myriads of waterways  that prevent paving it and turning it into what the quaint little villages along the California coast have become. I like the weather, humidity, thunderstorms included. I do believe I will pass before it all recedes below the waters of the Atlantic Ocean as global warming, whether caused by humanity  or not, is seriously threatening the future the of the lowlands along the Carolina coasts.

My bowling endeavors are bearing fruit. I am currently the top bowler in the state of South Carolina in my age group. There is still a lot of room for improvement. My companion is my soul mate and the peace that comes with that has settled my mind and I  don't have as much to say as I once did.

I just added a paragraph to my "Theory of everything" page and I do plan on working on my blogs in the coming year. I do research and organize my thoughts. I still experience my blue light phenomena especially if I allow myself to by focusing on it.

This area is known for its ghost encounters and stories. Two things I want to experience before I leave this life, a spiritual presence and a UFO. I plan on visiting haunted sites in the area as I have to see this for myself.  The TV shows on the subject are far from convincing.

Regarding the UFO, I have this perception that we are close to encountering other intelligent lifeforms in this universe  we live in. I have had it for a long time and as idiotic as this sounds it is tied to the Star Wars movie sequels. For some  reason I knew when the original Star Wars movie was released that there would be three sets of three movies and I also knew how the last movie ends.  I will not spoil that for my fellow Star Wars enthusiasts.  I have no idea how I knew those things.

There is something else.  I believe our first encounter with extraterrestrial beings will happen shortly after the release of the third movie of this final set. I believe it enough to predict it here. I absolutely hate predictions like this. I have a scientific mind and I am prepared for the comments that will come should  ET not materialize but I have very strong feelings about it happening. Considering  some of the things I have experienced,  I feel obligated to make this prediction    

Friday, January 16, 2015

As time goes by

It has been awhile since I posted.   There  is a reason. My old friend trigemenial neuralgia  decided to pay me a visit again.  It ramped up to a a state I could no longer tolerate it and I had a gamma knife procedure done in May.  Unlike the balloon ablation that led to my near death experience which is the reason for this and my other blogs, the fix isn't instantaneous.  I went through months  with the pain  ranging from mild to severe. Finally in November it was gone.   I think it may be gone for the rest of my life.  I can say that because  the tooth I had a root canal done on, prior to being diagnosed,  was still sensitive after  the balloon ablation. Now it's as dead as a doorknob.  That battle finally appears to be over. 

Since then I have been busy putting my life back together. I have a new girl friend and I am moving to Charleston South Carolina to be with her  this spring. I bowled semi professionally years ago and I am  making a run at even  bowling professionally in the not too distant future. I am  starting to  plan my life again for what  time I have left. When one suffers pain  like that, all that is possible is getting through a day one day at a time.

I still  see  blue light  under the right lighting conditions especially if I look for it.  Its like a pair of comfortable  slippers. I would  like to find out more about the phenomenon but I have  done all the research I can do.  If someone steps forward with the  money to do the research, I am ready, willing and able. I have  talked to everyone I can think of  and will continue to do so as the opportunities arise but I have a life I want to live especially since I was denied  that for so many years. 

I still get thoughts regarding existence especially space and  time and the  wonderment of this universe we live in.  I will soon be adding a tab to this blog, "The theory of everything".  Einstein and Hawking   haven't  come up with anything  so who the hell am I to think I can, but the thoughts are there.  Physics supports my concepts as  far as I can tell. I don't have the math skills to take it to the level it needs to go but anyone who does will be able to do that.

I pick this blog, though it is far more apropos to one of my other blogs for one simple reason, this blog gets the most traffic. It is by far the most  important observation I have made since  all this started happening to me.