Monday, May 23, 2011

My encounter with readers and update

It has been awhile since I reported. I now see Indigo light basically anytime I close my eyes. It varies in intensity and  when it's the most intense I am getting information. It isn't in the form of words. The process is, I get it and then it is relayed from my subconscious mind to my conscious one. If I fail to understand I then think about the information and the indigo light intensifies until the information makes more sense to me then diminishes.  Sounds crazy but I ain't making this stuff up.

A lot of this information is brand new to me  and I verify what I can  with web searches. The prime information I have been downloading is why we exist.   I have just finished a set of symbols that outline the  role of the universe and our part in it.  Those of you who are mathematicians are going to be able to work with this. I have done a little and it all makes complete sense. I have an artist friend  constructing it for me and hope to have it available soon.

I went to a meeting of psychics last week and found it very interesting.  I plan on presenting my crude hand drawn form with the symbols for a reading and see what comes up. I am going to suggest to the one organizing the group (It is a large group) that all the readers need to at least touch my envelope and write a one or two word response.  

I felt that all the readers at the meeting were sincere and they all possessed very creative minds. I got more energy from a few others attending the meeting then I did any of the readers but they may have the ability to block people like me so  I can assume nothing at this point. My reader picked up on a very significant period of my life with detail and she had some interesting things to say about my past that could explain why I have been among the first to evolve but I have no recall of previous lives. I discount dreams as being a reliable source of anything.

As for  New Age people. I learned very quickly I am not a new ager. I am an Indigo and will be putting together a blog about being Indigo and why we are here along with the entire message  we are to bring to the world. I say we because i believe  others will be getting the message which will  be similar but not  always identical. I don;t know how a person with no mathematical expertise would interpret the information I have been given. The message has been there since the Universe came into existence. Life forms have to evolve to a certain point to get the message. We have been getting a filtered message  for centuries. Most of the filter is our own self indulgence. I will be going into this in detail in my blog on being Indigo. 

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